I have studied Physics at the of University of Bielefeld (Germany) and received my degree with high-resolution spectroscopy using lasers. I had a one-year research fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at SRI International in Menlo Park, studying techniques for material analysis using lasers in mass spectrometry. Since 1989 I am at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) where I was involved in the development and operation of the far ultraviolet spectrograph SUMER of the SOHO mission. I was for two years at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center during the initial operational phase of the SOHO spacecraft. I am Co-investigator of several instruments of the Solar Orbiter mission. My interests are the development of vacuum-ultraviolet instrumentation and cleanliness aspects for solar system research.
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The stray light calibration was performed in a clean environment in front of the OPSys solar disk divergence simulator (at ALTEC, in Torino, Italy), which is able to emulate different heliocentric distances. Ground calibrations were a unique opportunity to map the Metis stray light level thanks to a pure solar disk simulator without the solar corona. The stray light calibration was limited to the visible light case, being the most stringent. This work is focused on the description of the laboratory facility that was used to perform the stray light calibration and on the calibration results.
Two of these channels are high resolution imagers (HRI) at respectively 17.1 nm (HRI-EUV) and 121.6 nm (HRI-Ly∝), each one composed of two off-axis aspherical mirrors. The third channel is a full sun imager (FSI) composed of one single off-axis aspherical mirror and working at 17.1 nm and 30.4 nm alternatively. This paper presents the optical alignment of each telescope.
The alignment process involved a set of Optical Ground Support Equipment (OGSE) such as theodolites, laser tracker, visible-light interferometer as well as a 3D Coordinates Measuring Machine (CMM).
The mirrors orientation have been measured with respect to reference alignment cubes using theodolites. Their positions with respect to reference pins on the instrument optical bench have been measured using the 3D CMM. The mirrors orientations and positions have been adjusted by shimming of the mirrors mount during the alignment process.
After this mechanical alignment, the quality of the wavefront has been checked by interferometric measurements, in an iterative process with the orientation and position adjustment to achieve the required image quality.
The entire alignment and verification phase has been performed by the Metis team in collaboration with Thales Alenia Space Torino and took place in ALTEC (Turin) at the Optical Payload System Facility using the Space Optics Calibration Chamber infrastructure, a vacuum chamber especially built and tested for the alignment and calibration of the Metis coronagraph, and suitable for tests of future payloads.
The goal of the alignment, integration, verification and calibration processes is to measure the parameters of the telescope, and the characteristics of the two Metis channels: visible and ultraviolet. They work in parallel thanks to the peculiar optical layout. The focusing and alignment performance of the two channels must be well understood, and the results need to be easily compared to the requirements. For this, a dedicated illumination method, with both channels fed by the same source, has been developed; and a procedure to perform a simultaneous through focus analysis has been adopted.
In this paper the final optical performance achieved by Metis is reported and commented.
LYRA demonstrates technologies important for future missions such as the ESA Solar Orbiter.
One of the four scientific instruments is LYRA that monitors the solar irradiance at a high cadence (> 20 Hz) in four soft X-Ray to VUV large passbands: the “Lyman-Alpha” channel, the “Herzberg” continuum range, the “Aluminium” and “Zirconium” filter channels. The radiometric calibration is traceable to synchrotron source standards [3]. LYRA benefits from wide bandgap detectors based on diamond. It is the first space assessment of these revolutionary UV detectors for astrophysics. Diamond sensors make the instruments radiation-hard and solar-blind (insensitive to the strong solar visible light) and, therefore, visible light blocking filters become superfluous. To correlate the data of this new detector technology, silicon detectors with well known characteristics are also embarked. Due to the strict allocated mass and power budget (5 kg, 5W), and poor priority to the payload needs on such platform, an optimization and a robustness of the instrument was necessary. The first switch-on occured on 16 November 2009. Since then the instrument performances have been monitored and analyzed during the commissioning period. This paper presents the first-light and preliminary performance analysis.
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