Scott Lilley is an opto-mechanical engineer at the W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO). He has been with the observatory since 2013 and has participated in the development and deployment of numerous additions to the adaptive optics systems at WMKO. Scott previously worked as an opto-mechanical engineer for the Department of Defense in Alexandria, Virginia. Scott received his B. Sc. and M. Sc. in Optical Sciences from the University of Arizona’s Optical Sciences Center.
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Enhanced high-dispersion coronagraphy with KPIC phase II: design, assembly and status of sub-modules
The new laser has been implemented on the telescope’s elevation ring with its electronics installed on a new Nasmyth sub-platform, with the capacity to support up to three laser systems for future upgrades. The laser is projected from behind the telescope’s secondary mirror using the recently implemented center launch system (CLS) to reduce LGS spot size. We will present the new laser system and its performance with respect to power, stability, wavelength, spot size, optical repumping, polarization, efficiency, and its return with respect to pointing alignment to the magnetic field. Preliminary LGSAO performance is presented with the system returning to science operations. We will also provide an update on current and future upgrades at the WMKO.
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