The Palomar Radial Velocity Instrument (PARVI) is a J & H band, high resolution (R∼80,000) spectrograph on the Hale 5.08-m telescope at Palomar Observatory. PARVI is a stabilized, single-mode fiber-fed spectrometer designed to search for small rocky planets in the habitable zones of late-type stars. PARVI is one of the first radial velocity (RV) instruments to employ single-mode fibers (SMF) instead of the more common multi-mode fibers (MMF). SMFs provide a number of advantages over MMFs. In particular, they only allow one spatial mode of light to propagate, resulting in a time-invariant, near-Gaussian output beam that eliminates speckle noise present in MMFs. A challenge with SMFs is that the single spatial mode is composed of two polarization states (PS) and the output PS is completely decoupled from the input PS. During the commissioning of PARVI, we discovered a source of polarization noise that manifested as a time-dependent, wavelength-dependent, PSF displacement responsible for RV errors on the order of 10 ms−1 that we call the accordion effect. We set up a warm testbed to test the polarization response of the PARVI optics and determined the cross-dispersing prism and variable PS of injected light were responsible for the polarization noise. We used raytracing software to simulate birefringence in the prism and found it to be consistent with the observed effect. We designed a number of tests with the PARVI spectrometer operating cold and under vacuum to evaluate how modifications to the prism impacted the effect. After mitigating stress-induced birefringence in the prism and installing fiber polarization scramblers before light is injected into the spectrograph, we are able to demonstrate an instrument RV precision of <1 ms−1.
The Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC) instrument at the Keck Observatory consists of a series of upgrades to the Keck II Adaptive Optics system and the NIRSPEC spectrograph to enable diffraction-limited, high-resolution (R∼35, 000) spectroscopy, originally in the K (∼2.0−2.5 μm) and L (∼3.2−3.7 μm) bands only. Phase I consisted of single-mode fiber injection/extraction units used in conjunction with an H band pyramid wavefront sensor. Using single-mode fibers provides a gain in stellar rejection, a substantial reduction in sky background, and a stable, well-defined line-spread function on the spectrograph. In 2022, Phase II brought a 1000-actuator deformable mirror, beam-shaping optics, a vortex fiber nulling mode, and more.
In this paper we present the results of the latest upgrades to the KPIC instrument. Among these upgrades, a second fiber bundle with related injection/extraction optics and new dichroics were added to extend KPIC’s science capabilities to y through H band, and to provide access to laser frequency combs for spectral calibration from y-K. Additionally, the charge 2 vortex mask for fiber nulling was supplemented with a charge 1 mask to enable spectroscopy of low mass companions at very small angular separations. Other upgrades included an atmospheric dispersion corrector, a new calibration source switching system, and an optimized tip/tilt control system. Here we show preliminary results of on-sky tests performed in the first few months of re-commissioning, along with the next steps for the instrument.
HISPEC (High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization) is an infrared (0.98 to 2.46 microns) cross-dispersed, R=100,000 single-mode fiber-fed diffraction-limited echellette spectrograph for the Keck II telescope’s adaptive optics (AO) system. MODHIS (Multi-Objective Diffraction-limited High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph) shares similar specifications as HISPEC while being optimized for TMT’s first-light AO system NFIRAOS. Keck-HISPEC, currently in full-scale development and slated for first light in 2026, and TMTMODHIS, currently in conceptual design phase, will provide increasingly compelling science capabilities from exoplanet atmosphere characterization through both transit and direct high-contrast spectroscopy, to detection and mass measurements through infrared precision radial velocity (RV). The science cases include the precise RV measurements of stars orbiting the Galactic Center, Solar System studies, and the chemodynamical history of nearby dwarf galaxies and the galactic halo.
The latest generation of high-resolution spectrographs on 10m-class telescopes are designed to pursue challenging science cases. Consequently, ever more precise calibration methods are necessary to enable trail-blazing science methodology. We present the High-Resolution Infrared SPectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization (HISPEC) Calibration Unit (CAL), designed to facilitate challenging science cases such as Doppler imaging of exoplanet atmospheres, precision radial velocity, and high-contrast, high-resolution spectroscopy of nearby exoplanets. CAL builds on the heritage of the pathfinder instrument, the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC) and utilizes four near-infrared (NIR) light sources encoded with wavelength information that are coupled into single-mode fibers. They can be used synchronously during science observations or asynchronously during daytime calibrations. A uranium hollow cathode lamp (HCL) and a series of gas cells provide absolute calibration from 0.98 μm to 2.46 μm. Two laser frequency combs (LFC) provide stable, time-independent wavelength information during observation, and CAL implements two low-finesse Fabry-Perot etalons as a complement to the LFCs.
HISPEC is a new, high-resolution near-infrared spectrograph being designed for the W.M. Keck II telescope. By offering single-shot, R 100,000 spectroscopy between 0.98 – 2.5 μm, HISPEC will enable spectroscopy of transiting and non-transiting exoplanets in close orbits, direct high-contrast detection and spectroscopy of spatially separated substellar companions, and exoplanet dynamical mass and orbit measurements using precision radial velocity monitoring calibrated with a suite of state-of-the-art absolute and relative wavelength references. MODHIS is the counterpart to HISPEC for the Thirty Meter Telescope and is being developed in parallel with similar scientific goals. In this proceeding, we provide a brief overview of the current design of both instruments, and the requirements for the two spectrographs as guided by the scientific goals for each. We then outline the current science case for HISPEC and MODHIS, with focuses on the science enabled for exoplanet discovery and characterization. We also provide updated sensitivity curves for both instruments, in terms of both signal-to-noise ratio and predicted radial velocity precision.
The PAlomar Radial Velocity Instrument (PARVI) is a diffraction-limited, high-resolution spectrograph connected by single-mode fiber to the 200 inch Hale telescope at Palomar Observatory. Here, we present on-sky results for HD 189733 obtained during PARVI’s commissioning phase. We first describe the implementation of our spectral extraction and radial velocity (RV) generation codes. Through RV monitoring, we detect the Rossiter–Mclaughlin signal of the transiting planet HD 189733 b. We further detect the presence of water and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere of HD 189733 b via transmission spectroscopy. This work demonstrates PARVI’s high-resolution spectral capabilities at H band and current intra-night Doppler stability of ∼4 to 10 m s − 1 on an early K dwarf. Finally, we discuss the limitations to this work and ongoing efforts to characterize and improve the Doppler performance of PARVI to the design goal of ∼1 m s − 1 for late-type stars.
Laser frequency combs are fast becoming critical to reaching the highest radial velocity precisions. One shortcoming is the highly variable brightness of the comb lines across the spectrum (up to 4-5 orders of magnitude). This can result in some lines saturating while others are at low signal and lost in the noise. Losing lines to either of these effects reduces the precision and hence effectiveness of the comb. In addition, the brightness of the comb lines can vary with time which could drive comb lines with initially reasonable SNR’s into the two regimes described above. To mitigate these two effects, laser frequency combs use optical flattener’s. Flattener’s are typically bulk optic setups that disperse the comb light with a grating, and then use a spatial light modulator to control the amplitude across the spectrum before recombining the light into another single mode fiber and sending it to the spectrograph. These setups can be large (small bench top), expensive (several hundred thousand dollars) and have limited stability. To address these issues, we have developed an all-photonic spectrum flattener on a chip. The device is constructed from optical waveguides on a SiN chip. The light from the laser frequency comb’s output optical fiber can be directly connected to the chip, where the light is first dispersed using an arrayed waveguide grating. To control the brightness of each channel, the light is passed through a Mach-Zehnder interferometer before being recombined with a second arrayed waveguide grating. Thermo-optic phase modulators are used in each channel before recombination to path length match the channels as needed. Here we present the results from our first generation prototype. The device operates from 1400-1800 nm (covering the H band), with 20, 20 nm wide channels. The device was mounted on a PCB board to enable electrical control of the active elements and tested in the laboratory. It was demonstrated that the Mach- Zehnder’s allowed for nearly 40 dBs of dynamic modulation of the spectrum, which is greater than that offered by most spatial light modulators. With a smooth spectrum light source (superluminescent light source), we reduced the spectral variation to 3 dBs, limited by the properties of the components used. On a laser frequency comb which had strong modulations at high spatial frequencies, we still managed to reduce the modulation to 5 dBs. These devices are of the order of a US quarter and could play a significant role in future PRV and EPRV initiatives.
HISPEC (High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization) is an infrared (0.95 to 2.46 microns) cross-dispersed, R=100,000 single-mode fiber-fed diffraction-limited echellette spectrograph for the Keck II telescope’s adaptive optics (AO) system. MODHIS (Multi-Objective Diffraction-limited High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph) shares similar specifications as HISPEC while being optimized for TMT’s first-light AO system NFIRAOS. Keck-HISPEC (2025) then TMT-MODHIS will provide increasingly compelling science capabilities from exoplanet atmosphere characterization through both transit and direct high-contrast spectroscopy, to detection and mass measurements through infrared precision radial velocity (RV). The science cases include the precise RV measurements of stars orbiting the Galactic Center, Solar System studies, and the chemodynamical history of nearby dwarf galaxies and the galactic halo.
Since the start of science operations in 1993, the twin 10-meter W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO) telescopes have continued to maximize their scientific impact and to produce transformative discoveries that keep the observing community on the frontiers of astronomical research. Upgraded capabilities and new instrumentation are provided though collaborative partnerships with Caltech, the University of California, and the University of Hawaii instrument development teams, as well as industry and other organizations. This paper summarizes the performance of recently commissioned infrastructure projects, technology upgrades, and new additions to the suite of observatory instrumentation. We also provide a status of projects currently in design or development phases and, since we keep our eye on the future, summarize projects in exploratory phases that originate from our 2022 strategic plan developed in collaboration with our science community to adapt and respond to evolving science needs.
KEYWORDS: Near infrared, Stars, Single mode fibers, Motion measurement, Frequency combs, Telescopes, Spectroscopy, Spectrographs, Spectral resolution, Signal detection
The field of precision radial velocities (PRVs) aims to detect radial velocity (RV) signals on the order of 1 m/s. The motivation for the push into PRV is to detect the reflex motion of stars induced by Earth-sized orbiting planets. Measuring PRVs in the near-infrared (NIR) provides a number of advantages over optical, such as reduced noise from stellar jitter, and wealth of RV information encoded in the NIR absorption features of cool, low-mass stars. The Palomar Radial Velocity Instrument (PARVI) implements three key strategies to achieve 1 m/s RV precision in the NIR: single-mode fiber (SMF) feeds, thermo-mechanical stabilization of the spectrograph, and a line-referenced, electro-optical modulation frequency comb (LR-EOFC). PARVI is a J & H band (1145-1766 nm) echelle spectrometer with spectral resolution 87,000–121,000. It was installed at the Hale 200" telescope summer 2019, and since then has undergone multiple hardware upgrades to maximize stability. Using the laser frequency comb (LFC) as a light source, we measure a science channel to reference channel stability of 0.001 pixels over the timespan of a single observing night. This measurement includes the motion of 2790 LFC lines over 17 spectral orders in the H band, and corresponds to a radial velocity precision of approximately 1 m/s at the LFC pump line (lambda_p = 1560 nm).
We report on our efforts to develop a whispering gallery mode resonator etalon as a tool for precision radial velocity observations to detect exoplanets. The crystalline MgF2 etalon will be referenced to a compact fiber laser frequency comb, and will serve as the wavelength calibration source for a stabilized, high resolution, visible band spectrograph. The extreme stability required for the detection and characterization of exo-Earths orbiting solar-type stars will be achieved by employing a composite resonator structure with a compensating material to balance the resonator’s coefficients of thermal expansion and thermal refractivity. Progress in modeling the etalon to achieve single mode-like performance, and experiments to demonstrate broad-band (octave-spanning) ling to a white light source, are described.
The size and cost of astronomical instruments for extremely large telescopes (ELTs), are pushing the limits of what is feasible, requiring optical components at the very edge of achievable size and performance. Operating at the diffraction-limit, the realm of photonic technologies, allows for highly compact instruments to be realized. In particular, Integrated Photonic Spectrographs (IPSs) have the potential to replace an instrument the size of a car with one that can be held in the palm of a hand. This miniaturization in turn offers dramatic improvements in mechanical and thermal stability. Owing to the single-mode fiber feed, the performance of the spectrograph is decoupled from the telescope and the instruments point spread function can be calibrated with a much higher precision. These effects combined mean that an IPS can provide superior performance with respect to a classical bulk optic spectrograph. In this paper we provide a summary of efforts made to qualify IPSs for astronomical applications to date. These include the early characterization of arrayed waveguide gratings for multi-object injection and modifications to facilitate a continuous spectrum, to the integration of these devices into prototypical instruments and most recently the demonstration of a highly optimized instrument directly fed from an 8-m telescope. We will then outline development paths necessary for astronomy, currently underway, which include broadening operating bands, bandwidth, increasing resolution, implementing cross-dispersion on-chip and integrating these devices with other photonic technologies and detectors such as superconducting Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector arrays. Although the focus of this work is on IPS applicability to astronomy, they may be even more ideally suited to Earth and planetary science applications.
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