Michael A. Beamesderfer
at NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (5)

Proceedings Article | 20 September 2007 Paper
M. Li, T. Adachi, C. Allen, S. Babu, S. Bajikar, M. Beamesderfer, R. Bradley, N. Costen, Kevin Denis, A. Ewin, D. Franz, L. Hess, R. Hu, K. Jackson, M. Jhabvala, D. Kelly, T. King, G. Kletetschka, A. Kutyrev, B. Lynch, S. Meyer, T. Miller, S. Moseley, V. Mikula, B. Mott, L. Oh, J. Pontius, D. Rapchun, C. Ray, S. Schwinger, P. Shu, R. Silverberg, W. Smith, S. Snodgrass, D. Sohl, L. Sparr, R. Steptoe-Jackson, R. Thate, F. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Zheng, C. Zincke
Proceedings Volume 6687, 668709 (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.734152
KEYWORDS: Camera shutters, Electrodes, Indium, Magnetism, James Webb Space Telescope, Silicon, Optical fabrication, Metals, Space telescopes, Sensors

Proceedings Article | 3 May 2007 Paper
Mary Li, Tomoko Adachi, Christine Allen, Sachi Babu, Sateesh Bajikar, Michael Beamesderfer, Ruth Bradley, Kevin Denis, Nick Costen, Audrey Ewin, Dave Franz, Larry Hess, Ron Hu, Kamili Jackson, Murzy Jhabvala, Dan Kelly, Todd King, Gunther Kletetschka, Alexander Kutyrev, Barney Lynch, Timothy Miller, Harvey Moseley, Vilem Mikula, Brent Mott, Lance Oh, James Pontius, Dave Rapchun, Chris Ray, Knute Ray, Eric Schulte, Scott Schwinger, Peter Shu, Robert Silverberg, Wayne Smith, Steve Snodgrass, David Sohl, Leroy Sparr, Rosalind Steptoe-Jackson, Veronica Valeriano, Liqin Wang, Yun Zheng, Chris Zincke
Proceedings Volume 6556, 655602 (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.721502
KEYWORDS: Camera shutters, Electrodes, Magnetism, Indium, Silicon, James Webb Space Telescope, Optical fabrication, Metals, Microelectromechanical systems, Space telescopes

Proceedings Article | 20 December 2006 Open Access Paper
Mary Li, Tomoko Adachi, Christine Allen, Sachi Babu, Sateesh Bajikar, Michael Beamesderfer, Ruth Bradley, Kevin Denis, Nick Costen, Audrey Ewin, David Franz, Larry Hess, Ron Hu, Kamili Jackson, Murzy Jhabvala, Dan Kelly, Todd King, Gunther Kletetschka, Alexander Kutyrev, Barney Lynch, Timothy Miller, Harvey Moseley, Vilem Mikula, Brent Mott, Lance Oh, James Pontius, David Rapchun, Chris Ray, Eric Schulte, Scott Schwinger, Peter Shu, Robert Silverberg, Wayne Smith, Steve Snodgrass, David Sohl, Leroy Sparr, Rosalind Steptoe-Jackson, Valeriano Veronica, Liqin Wang, Yun Zheng, Chris Zincke
Proceedings Volume 6415, 64150B (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.706308
KEYWORDS: Camera shutters, Electrodes, Indium, Magnetism, Silicon, James Webb Space Telescope, Optical fabrication, Metals, Microelectromechanical systems, Space telescopes

Proceedings Article | 23 February 2005 Paper
Mary Li, Nadine Acuna, Edward Amatucci, Michael Beamesderfer, Ray Boucarut, Sachi Babu, Sateesh Bajikar, Audrey Ewin, Rainer Fettig, David Franz, Larry Hess, Ron Hu, Murzy Jhabvala, Daniel Kelly, Todd King, Gunther Kletetschka, Carl Kotechi, Alexander Kutyrev, James Loughlin, Bernard Lynch, Harvey Moseley, Brent Mott, Bill Newell, Lance Oh, David Rapchun, Chris Ray, Carol Sappington, Eric Schulte, Scott Schwinger, Wayne Smith, Steve Snodgrass, Leroy Sparr, Rosalind Steptoe-Jackson, Liqin Wang, Yun Zheng, Chris Zincke
Proceedings Volume 5650, (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.581861
KEYWORDS: Camera shutters, Electrodes, Silicon, Metals, Magnetism, James Webb Space Telescope, Optical fabrication, Microelectromechanical systems, Semiconducting wafers, Reactive ion etching

Proceedings Article | 18 August 1999 Paper
Michael Beamesderfer, Steve Chen, Don DeVoe, Edward Litcher, Kenneth Johnson
Proceedings Volume 3880, (1999) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.359359
KEYWORDS: Energy transfer, Multimode fibers, Reflectivity, Energy efficiency, Tolerancing, Reliability, Signal attenuation, Reflection, Geometrical optics, Single mode fibers

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