Over the past years, Synopta have successfully applied adaptive optics (AO) in optical ground stations to enhance the capabilities in satellite-to-ground laser communication links. In this paper, we present the outcome of an upgrade activity to the ESA Optical Ground Station (ESA OGS). The activities comprise the design, fabrication and site acceptance test results of the Cassegrain Adaptive Receiver Optics (“CARO”) add-on instrument to the 1 m telescope of the ESA OGS. Additionally, we present a baseline design concept for the future use of a bi-directional adaptive optics system in the Coudé path of the ESA OGS, expected performance characteristics for a selected uplink application.
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a promising field within telecommunication and cryptography. QKD allows two parties to generate a shared secret key, which only the two communicating parties know, and can later be used to encrypt and decrypt messages. This leads to unbreakable data transmission. QKD was experimentally already tested on a Chinese mission called MICIUS. Future QKD protocols may also benefit from coupling into an optical single-mode fiber. Adaptive optics is, from a quantum communication perspective, very interesting. In this paper, we present the overall system design, the optical and mechanical design, and the factory performance test results, of an adaptive optics module for post-compensation of the quantum signal in a QKD ground station. The set-up is integrated in a compact and transportable “AO-box”. The AO-box has been designed to be directly mounted on the flange of an 80 cm fork mount telescope and delivers the fiber-coupled quantum signal at its output interface.
This paper describes the technical challenges and the experimental set-up for an optical feeder-link demonstration between ESA’s optical ground station in Tenerife, Spain, and the Alphasat satellite in geostationary orbit (25º East). In the absence of clouds, reliable optical feeder-uplinks require pre-distortion of the transmit beam to minimize the influence of the continuously changing atmospheric turbulence effect. Without beam pre-distortion, the quality of service (minimum impact of scintillations and outages) required for commercially viable feeder-links is hardly achievable. Power efficient feeder-links require the wave-front distortions of an optical downlink beam from a satellite to be inversely applied onto the optical feeder-uplink beam to the satellite with certain adaptations due to the difference in the uplink and downlink paths. The underlying assumption is that pre-distortion and atmospheric turbulence cancel each other out and the main goal of the planned experiment is to determine to which extent this is true. The closed-loop bandwidth of pre-distortions has to be higher than the atmospheric turbulence fluctuations and optical beam reception and transmission should use the same telescope aperture. The former requires a fast controller and the later poses stringent requirement on the stray-light performance of the set-up such that the powerful transmit beam does not blind the receiver. Avoidance of receiver blinding is a particularly difficult task when doing feeder-uplink tests with the coherent laser communication terminal on board the Alphasat satellite as will be explained. The paper will describe the design of the feeder-uplink system that will be installed in the OGS as well as initial measurements that have been performed to evaluate feasibility.
This paper focuses on optical links from ground to a geostationary satellite, using adaptive optics to pre-compensate the wave-front of the uplink beam. We present the numerical prediction of the irradiance statistics at the satellite. Uplink beam diameters, as well as the turbulence strength in the boundary layer and in the tropopause are varied. Results show, that the choice of uplink beam diameter significantly affects the fading statistics, in particular the shape of the probability density function. In a realistic worst case (30° elevation, day-time turbulence, sea level), the optimum beam diameter, showing minimum irradiance fluctuation at the target, is around 20 cm. In that case, the probability of fades larger than 6 dB (with respect to the diffraction limit) is approx. 10-3.
A breadboard of such a closed-loop adaptive-optics pre-compensation system has been implemented. It comprises a Shack- Hartmann wavefront sensor, two tip/tilt mirrors, a 140-element deformable mirror, a far-field propagation simulator, and two rotating turbulence phase screens (simulating tropopause and atmospheric boundary layer, respectively). The link geometry is representative of the intended application in an optical feeder link for geo-stationary satellites. Preliminary test results confirm the numerical predictions.
LISA Pathfinder is an ESA experiment to demonstrate the key technologies needed for the LISA mission to detect gravitational waves in space. The LISA Pathfinder spacecraft represents one arm of the LISA interferometer, containing an optical metrology system and two proof masses as inertial references for the drag-free control system.
The LISA Pathfinder payload consists of two drag-free floating test masses located in the inertial sensors with their control electronics and an optical metrology subsystem. The optical metrology subsystem monitors the movement of both test masses relative to each other and to the spacecraft with very high sensitivity and resolution. This is achieved with a heterodyne Mach- Zehnder interferometer. This interferometer requires as input two coherent laser beams with a heterodyne frequency difference of a few kHz.
To generate the two laser beams with a heterodyne frequency difference a Nd:YAG laser is used together with the Laser Modulator. The Nd:YAG laser generates a single coherent laser signal at a wavelength of 1064nm which is fibre coupled to the Laser Modulator. The Laser Modulator then generates the two optical beams with the required heterodyne frequency offset. In addition, the Laser Modulator is required to perform laser amplitude stabilization and optical path difference control for the two optical signals.
The Laser Modulator consists of an optical unit – the LMU – and RF synthesiser, power amplification and control electronics. These electronics are all housed in the Laser Modulator Electronics (LME).
The LMU has four primary functions:
• Splitting of the input laser beam into two paths for later superposition in the interferometer.
• Applying different frequency shifts to each of the beams.
• Providing amplitude modulation control to each of the beams.
• Providing active control of the optical path length difference between the two optical paths.
The present paper describes the design and performance of the LMU together with a summary of the results of the Laser Modulator engineering model test campaign.
Launched on November 2nd, 2009, SMOS (Soil Moisture, Ocean Salinity) is the second Earth Explorer Opportunity mission developed as part of ESA’s Living Planet Programme. It demonstrates a completely new type of instrument – a large, deployable synthetic-aperture microwave radiometer [1].
RUAG Space, Switzerland, as a subcontractor of EADS Astrium, Spain, has provided the instrument’s fibreoptic harness, which interconnects the central data processor with all 69 microwave receivers, as well as 12 auxiliary units on board. For reasons explained in Section 3, SMOS is the first European mission extensively using both fibre-optic clock distribution and data transmission in space.
In Section 2, we present an overview of the scientific goals of SMOS, and describe the payload’s basic function. There from we derive the rationale and the design of the fibre-optic harness (Section 3). In Section 4 all development, manufacturing, and test activities are summarised, which culminated in the successful delivery of all flight units to EADS Astrium by October 2006. We present the major test results obtained with the flight harness (Section 5), and conclude with a short summary of the higher-level activities, which lead to successful launch and commissioning of the SMOS satellite (Section 6).
The BepiColombo Laser Altimeter (BELA) is selected to fly on board of the ESA's BepiColombo Mercury Planetary
Orbiter (MPO). The instrument will be the first European planetary laser altimeter system. RUAG Space is the industrial
prime for the Receiver part of the scientific instrument. The BELA Receiver is a joined effort of Swiss industries under
the leading role of RUAG and University of Bern as co-Prime. A core element is the light weighted Receiver Telescope
(RTL), to collect the laser pulse reflected from the planet’s surface. An innovative design was required to deal with the
very challenging Mercury’s environmental conditions and with the very stringent instrument’s mass budget. The Optothermo-
mechanical analyses lead to the design of a 1250mm focal length Cassegrain telescope made of Beryllium. It
provides an aperture of 204 mm diameter and a 2 mm thick primary mirror for a total mass of less than 600gr. The
manufacturing and the integration needed special developments.
This paper presents the design analyses and the major challenges which had to be solved. Discussing some aspects of the
telescope integration and test campaign, the finally achieved performances and lessons learnt will be presented.
Science return and high bandwidth communications are key issues to support the foreseen endeavors on spaceflights to
the Moon and beyond. For a given mass, power consumption and volume, laser communications can offer an increase in
telemetry bandwidth over classical RF technology allowing for a variety of new options, like more raw scientific data
being sent back to Earth where data processing can be performed on ground. Recent European activities in the field of
laser communications investigated mission scenarios for deep space and within the Earth's sphere of influence. Various
link topologies have been investigated, involving Lissajous orbits at Libration points of the Earth-Sun and the Moon-
Earth system, and also Martian orbiters. Different types of lasercom terminal concepts have been investigated, either
operating fully autonomously or being attached to dedicated telecom orbiter spacecraft. Enhanced pulse position
modulation formats were tested together with tailored FEC and interleaver technology in inter-island test campaigns
using ESA's optical ground station on Tenerife. The paper summarizes the findings from all activities, highlights the
potential and describes synergy aspects of involved technologies, all in view using lasercom as part of an integrated RF-optical
TT&C subsystem to support enhanced science return.
Oerlikon Space AG has since 1995 been developing the OPTEL family of optical communications terminals. The optical
terminals within the OPTEL family have been designed so as to be able to position Oerlikon Space for future
opportunities open to this technology. These opportunities range from commercial optical satellite crosslinks between
geostationary (GEO) satellites, deep space optical links between planetary probes and the Earth, as well as optical links
between airborne platforms (either between the airborne platforms or between a platform and GEO satellite).
The OPTEL terminal for deep space applications has been designed as an integrated RF-optical terminal for telemetry
links between the science probe and Earth. The integrated architecture provides increased TM link capacities through the
use of an optical link, while spacecraft navigation and telecommand are ensured by the classical RF link. The optical TM
link employs pulsed laser communications operating at 1058nm to transmit data using PPM modulation to achieve a
robust link to atmospheric degradation at the optical ground station. For deep space links from Lagrange (L1 / L2) data
rates of 10 - 20 Mbps can be achieved for the same spacecraft budgets (mass and power) as an RF high gain antenna.
Results of an inter-island test campaign to demonstrate the performance of the pulsed laser communications subsystem
employing 32-PPM for links through the atmosphere over a distance of 142 km are presented. The transmitter of the
communications subsystem is a master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) employing a 1 W (average power) amplifier
and the receiver a Si APD with a measured sensitivity of -70.9 dBm for 32-PPM modulation format at a user data rate of
10 Mbps and a bit error rate (BER) of 10-6.
The BepiColombo Laser Altimeter (BELA) shall profile the surface of planet Mercury and operates on the day side as
well as on the night side. Because of the high thermal loads, most interior surfaces of the front optics are highly
reflective and specular, including the baffle. This puts a handicap on the straylight performance, which is needed to limit
the solar background. We present the design measures used to reach an attenuation of about 10-8. We resume the method
of backward straylight analysis which starts the rays at the detector and analyses the results in object space. The
backward analysis can be quickly compiled and challenges computer resources rather than labor effort. This is very
useful in a conceptual design phase when a design is iterated and trade-offs are to be performed. For one design, we
compare the results with values obtained from a forward analysis.
The presented paper reports on a conceptual design of a High Precision Optical Metrology (HPOM) system for SMART-2 with the emphasis of establishing and controlling the distance between the satellites. SMART-2 serves as a pre-cursor technology mission for DARWIN where critical technologies will be demonstrated. An overview about the DARWIN and SMART-2 mission and requirements is given. The HPOM system must take over from the Radio Frequency (RF) system at an inferometer arm difference of some cm and must establish and control an arm difference of smaller than 5nm at a 3dB bandwidth of 100Hz. A cascaded metrology system has been developed using different optical metrology methods such as time of flight, dual-wavelength and white light interferometry within one system to meet the ambitious requirement.
We studied terminal architectures and configurations for optical cross-links within microsatellite swarms and assessed the applicability of available technologies. Typical applications for microsatellite swarms are phased array telescopes, interferometric missions, and space-based radar. Key drivers for an optical terminal are well-developed technology and ruggedness. The terminal should do without automatic tracking or fine pointing, coarse pointing should be simple. As an example we cover a scenario where four microsatellites form a planar, square formation of 1 km side length, where the data rate is 100 kbit/s, and where an active double-pass lidar between each of the satellites provides a ranging accuracy of better than 10 m. The terminal transmit power is some 160 mW at a wavelength of 980 nm, the receive apertures have a diameter of 5 mm, and the size, weight, and power requirement of one terminal is estimated to be 60X80X70 mm3, 900 g, and 5 W, respectively.
We have adopted the phase modulation technique from the digital Syncbit communication system, and developed an analog transmission system which allows to transmit a set of analog channels between standard bent - pipe satellites. This new analog coherent modulation communication system provides excellent receiver sensitivity which in turn allows to keep the optical output power of the transmitter to a minimum. As a result power consumption from the host spacecraft -- a valuable resource -- can be kept to a minimum. The analog communication system design is such, that it uses all the electro-optical building blocks of the digital communication system. Transmitter laser, modulator, booster amplifier and optical receiver frontend are nearly identical for the analog and the digital terminals. The subsystem is contained in two standard electronics module frames and fits into the modular electronics unit of the terminal.
In ESA's Infrared Space Interferometry mission, a multi-aperture interferometer fed by telescopes will serve to analyse exoplanets orbiting bright stars. Spectroscopy of the planet's radiation could give hints on the possibility of the existence of life. However, for a Sun/Earth-like constellation, a star light rejection ratio of some 80 dB is required. This is the factor by which the star light is suppressed, when comparing the interferometer with a standard, wide-field-of-view telescope. We investigate the nulling capability of space-based interferometers, realized either in fiber or bulk optics, in the presence of imperfections of the structure and of optical components. Mismatch of amplitude, optical path length, and polarization among the interferometer arms is taken into account, as well as multiple reflections and telescope imperfections. The parameters describing the interferometer's receive characteristic, which are actively controlled or influenced by environmental disturbances, are modeled stochastically. We analyse Sun/Earth-like constellations by numerical simulation for a wavelength range of 6 to 18 microns. The expected value of the star light rejection ratio is calculated for several interferometer configurations. The exemplary numerical results confirm the extreme requirements for interferometer uniformity and give a quantitative insight into the dependence of the attainable rejection ratio on individual and/or combined interferometer imperfections.
KEYWORDS: Space telescopes, Telescopes, Digital signal processing, Phased array optics, Antennas, Phased arrays, Polarization, Receivers, Signal processing, Actuators
An adaptive receive telescope array with 16 apertures has been designed and breadboarded. With respect to size and performance, such a telescope array is well suited for use as receive antenna in a coherent interorbit laser link. The laboratory demonstrator, designed to operate at a wavelength of (lambda) equals 1.064 micrometers, is completely independent of any subsequent receiver and of the data modulation format employed. The telescope array is self-phasing, i.e. the main lobe of the antenna pattern automatically follows the direction of the incident wave. It thus performs non- mechanical fine tracking. Our experimental setup comprises a subtelescope array and a digital control unit employing digital signal processors. Besides inertia-free tracking, the control unit also checks and, if necessary, restores parallel alignment of the subtelescope axes at regular intervals. Space-worthy concepts have been applied wherever possible, although experiments have been performed only in the laboratory. Automatic fine-tracking is achieved within a single subtelescope's field of view (30 (mu) rad) in the frequency range up to 730 Hz.
The concept of an adaptive receive telescope array (RTA) for coherent optical space communications is presented. The RTA consists of N equals 2K, e.g. 16, subtelescopes, N polarization-maintaining single-mode fibers, N optical phase actuators, a binary tree of N - 1 symmetrical polarization-maintaining directional couplers, N - 1 optical power sensors, and a digital control unit. The output interface, a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber, can be efficiently coupled to a subsequent coherent receiver. Within a subtelescope's field-of-view, the control unit adapts the subtelescope phases (pistons) to the direction of the incident wavefront, thus maximizing the strength of the optical output field. The RTA is transparent, i.e. it operates independently of the modulation format employed. The feasibility of the RTA concept was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment. The implemented four-aperture antenna operates at a wavelength of 1064 nm. At an optical power level of 1 nW per subaperture, the experimental system combines the optical input signals with an efficiency greater than 99%. A step-shaped change of input wavefront direction is automatically compensated within 1 ms.
The principle of phased array microwave antennas can be applied at optical frequencies. The far-field antenna pattern is found by spatial Fourier transform of the optical field distribution across the subaperture plane. Inertia-free antenna pattern steering can be accomplished by proper phasing of the subaperture waves. A tolerance analysis shows that the required accuracy of phase relationship and subantenna alignment can be obtained in practice when implementing control loops. We develop schemes for both transmit and receive array antennas. Experiments carried out at (lambda) equals 1.06 micrometers demonstrated both modes of operation. Optical array antennas may be applied advantageously for fine pointing in intersatellite data links and in space lidar systems.
The feasibility of phased telescope arrays for coherent optical space communications is demonstrated by a proof-of-concept laboratory experiment. The incident optical power is collected by four subtelescopes and coherently combined into a single monomode output fiber. The implemented optical receive array antenna is self-phasing, i.e. the optical subfield pistons are automatically adapted with respect to the direction of the incident wavefront. The telescope array is completely independent of any subsequent receiver and of the data modulation format employed. Our experimental setup operates at a wavelength of 1064nm. With an optical input power of 1nW per subaperture, the system efficiently combines the optical input subwaves and responds to a step- shaped change of the input wavefront direction within 1ms.
The feasibility of phase telescope arrays for coherent optical space communications is demonstrated by a proof-of-concept laboratory experiment. The incident optical power is collected by four subtelescopes and coherently combined into a single monomode output fiber. The implemented optical receive array antenna is self-phasing, i.e., the optical subfield pistons are automatically adapted with respect to the direction of the incident wavefront. The telescope array is completely independent of any subsequent receiver and of the data modulation format employed. Our experimental setup operates at a wavelength of 1064 nm. With an optical input power of 1 nW per subaperture, the system efficiently combines the optical input subwaves and responds to a step-shaped change of the input wavefront direction within 1 ms.
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