There have been no significant breakthroughs in infrared imagery since the hybridization of III-V or II-VI narrow-bandgap semiconductors on complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) read-out integrated circuits (ROICs). The development of third-generation, linear-mode avalanche photodiode arrays (LmAPDs) using mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) has resulted in a significant sensitivity improvement for short-wave infrared (SWIR) imaging. The first dedicated LmAPD device, called SAPHIRA (320x256/24μm), was designed by Leonardo UK Ltd specifically for SWIR astronomical applications requiring speed and sensitivity. In the past decade there has been a significant development effort to make larger LmAPD arrays for low-background astronomy and advance adaptive optics.
Larger LmAPD formats for ultra-low noise/flux SWIR imaging, currently under development at Leonardo include a 512 x 512 LmAPD array funded by ESO, MPE and NRC Herzberg, a 1k x 1k array funded by NASA and a 2K x 2K device funded by ESA for general scientific imaging applications. The 2048x2048 pixel ROIC has a pitch of 15 microns, 4/8/16 outputs and a maximum frame rate of 10 Hz.
The ROIC characterization is scheduled in the third quarter of 2022, while the first arrays will be fabricated by end-2022. The hybridized arrays will be characterized during end-2022. At this time, First Light Imaging will start the development of an autonomous camera integrating this 2Kx2K LmAPD array, based on the unique experience from the C-RED One camera, the only commercial camera integrating the SAPHIRA SWIR LmAPD array. The main features of this camera is presented. The detector will be embedded in a compact high vacuum cryostat cooled with low vibration pulse at 50-80K which does not require external pumping. If necessary, an active vibration damping system can be added for reducing the array vibrations down to 0.01 micron. Sub-electron readout noise is expected to be achieved with high multiplication gain. Custom cold filters and beam aperture cold baffling will be integrated in the camera.
The large format 2Kx2K ROIC for APD array is funded by ESA under a TDE program with the contract number 000130154/20/NL/AR.This paper focuses on MCT heterostructure developments and novel design elements in silicon read-out chips (ROICs). The 2048 x 2048 element, 17um pitch ROIC for ESA’s SWIR array development forms the basis for the largest cooled infrared detector manufactured in Europe. Selex ES MCT is grown by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE), currently on 75mm diameter GaAs substrates. The MCT die size of the SWIR array is 35mm square and only a single array can be printed on the 75mm diameter wafer, utilising only 28% of the wafer area. The situation for 100mm substrates is little better, allowing only 2 arrays and 31% utilisation. However, low cost GaAs substrates are readily available in 150mm diameter and the MCT growth is scalable to this size, offering the real possibility of 6 arrays per wafer with 42% utilisation.
A similar 2k x 2k ROIC is the goal of ESA’s NIR programme, which is currently in phase 2 with a 1k x 1k demonstrator, and a smaller 320 x 256 ROIC (SAPHIRA) has been designed for ESO for the adaptive optics application in the VLT Gravity instrument. All 3 chips have low noise source-follower architecture and are enabled for MCT APD arrays, which have been demonstrated by ESO to be capable of single photon detection. The possibility therefore exists in the near future of demonstrating a photon counting, 2k x 2k SWIR MCT detector manufactured on an affordable wafer scale of 6 arrays per wafer.
For high speed near infrared fringe tracking and wavefront sensing the only way to overcome the CMOS noise barrier is the amplification of the photoelectron signal inside the infrared pixel by means of the avalanche gain. A readout chip for a 320x256 pixel HgCdTe eAPD array will be presented which has 32 parallel video outputs being arranged in such a way that the full multiplex advantage is also available for small sub-windows. In combination with the high APD gain this allows reducing the readout noise to the subelectron level by applying nondestructive readout schemes with subpixel sampling. Arrays grown by MOVPE achieve subelectron readout noise and operate with superb cosmetic quality at high APD gain. Efforts are made to reduce the dark current of those arrays to make this technology also available for large format focal planes of NIR instruments offering noise free detectors for deep exposures. The dark current of the latest MOVPE eAPD arrays is already at a level adequate for noiseless broad and narrow band imaging in scientific instruments.
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