Dr. Alex Zehnder
at Paul Scherrer Institut
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (21)

Proceedings Article | 25 July 2008 Paper
O. Krause, S. Birkmann, T. Blümchen, A. Böhm, M. Ebert, U. Grözinger, Th. Henning, R. Hofferbert, A. Huber, D. Lemke, R.-R. Rohloff, S. Scheithauer, T. Gross, G. Luichtel, C. Stein, R. Stott, M. Übele, J. Amiaux, J.-L. Auguères, A. Glauser, A. Zehnder, M. Meijers, R. Jager, P. Parr-Burrman, G. Wright
Proceedings Volume 7018, 701824 (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.789319
KEYWORDS: Interfaces, James Webb Space Telescope, Kinematics, Cryogenics, Position sensors, Sensors, Mid-IR, Magnetism, Spectroscopy, Optical filters

Proceedings Article | 23 July 2008 Paper
Adrian Glauser, Ulrich Langer, Alex Zehnder, Manuel Güdel
Proceedings Volume 7018, 70184L (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.789467
KEYWORDS: Current controlled current source, James Webb Space Telescope, Actuators, Contamination control, Mid-IR, Coronagraphy, Temperature metrology, Shape memory alloys, Fermium, Frequency modulation

Proceedings Article | 12 July 2008 Paper
G. Wright, G. Reike, P. Barella, T. Boeker, L. Colina, E. van Dishoeck, P. Driggers, G. Goodson, T. Greene, A. Heske, T. Henning, P.-O. Lagage, M. Meixner, H. Norgaard-Nielsen, G. Olofsson, T. Ray, M. Ressler, J. Thatcher, C. Waelkens, D. Wright, A. Zehnder
Proceedings Volume 7010, 70100T (2008) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.790101
KEYWORDS: James Webb Space Telescope, Spectroscopy, Imaging systems, Sensors, Coronagraphy, Calibration, Mid-IR, Instrument modeling, Data modeling, Observatories

Proceedings Article | 18 July 2006 Paper
W. Hajdas, N. Produit, E. Suarez-Garcia, F. Barao, C. Casella, K. Deiters, S. Deluit, C. Leluc, A. Mchedlishvilli, M. Pohl, D. Rapin, Ch. Tao, J.-P. Vialle, R. Walter, C. Wigger, A. Zehnder
Proceedings Volume 6266, 62662W (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.672067
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Polarization, Scintillators, Modulation, Gamma radiation, Polarimetry, Photon polarization, Compton scattering, X-rays, Monte Carlo methods

Proceedings Article | 12 October 2004 Paper
Gillian Wright, George Rieke, Luis Colina, Ewine van Dishoeck, Greg Goodson, Tom Greene, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, Avinash Karnik, Scott Lambros, Dietrich Lemke, Margaret Meixner, Hans-Ulrich Norgaard, Goran Oloffson, Tom Ray, Michael Ressler, Christoffel Waelkens, David Wright, Alex Zhender
Proceedings Volume 5487, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.551717
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Spectroscopy, James Webb Space Telescope, Imaging systems, Imaging spectroscopy, Electronics, Thermography, Mirrors, Signal detection, Cryogenics

Proceedings Article | 29 September 2004 Paper
Dietrich Lemke, Ralph Hofferbert, Ulrich Grozinger, Ralf-Rainer Rohloff, Armin Bohm, Thomas Henning, Armin Huber, Stefan Mertin, Jose Ramos, Gillian Wright, Peter Hastings, Alex Zehnder, Sophie Salasca, Gabby Kroes, Christian Straubmeier, Andreas Eckart
Proceedings Volume 5495, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.550398
KEYWORDS: James Webb Space Telescope, Spectroscopy, Mirrors, Sensors, Electronics, Imaging systems, Optical components, Mid-IR, Optical filters, Picture Archiving and Communication System

Proceedings Article | 4 February 2004 Paper
Robert Lin, Brian Dennis, Gordon Hurford, David Smith, Alex Zehnder
Proceedings Volume 5171, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.506649
KEYWORDS: Electrons, Solar energy, Gamma radiation, Imaging spectroscopy, Hard x-rays, Solar processes, X-rays, Ions, Sun, Curium

Proceedings Article | 11 March 2003 Paper
Proceedings Volume 4851, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.461415
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Solar energy, Photons, Imaging systems, Gamma radiation, Spectroscopy, Space operations, Modulation, Imaging spectroscopy, Magnetism

Proceedings Article | 11 February 2003 Paper
Alex Zehnder, Jacek Bialkowski, F. Burri, Martin Fivian, Reinhold Henneck, A. Mchedlishvili, P. Ming, J. Welte, Knud Thomsen, David Clark, Brian Dennis, Gordon Hurford, David Curtis, Peter Harvey, David Pankow
Proceedings Volume 4853, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.460290
KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, Imaging systems, Stars, Space operations, Sun, Electronics, Interference (communication), CCD image sensors, Lenses, Sensors

Proceedings Article | 11 February 2003 Paper
Martin Fivian, Reinhold Henneck, Alex Zehnder
Proceedings Volume 4853, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.460365
KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, Stars, Calibration, Sun, Imaging systems, Sensors, Space operations, Interference (communication), Telescopes, Space telescopes

Proceedings Article | 13 December 2000 Paper
Christian Erd, M. Audard, Antonius den Boggende, Graziella Branduardi-Raymont, A. Brinkman, Jean Cottam, Luc Dubbeldam, Manuel Guedel, Jan-Willem den Herder, Jelle Kaastra, Steven Kahn, Rolf Mewe, Frits Paerels, John Peterson, Andrew Rasmussen, Irini Sakelliou, Joshua Spodek, Knud Thomsen, Cor de Vries, Alex Zehnder
Proceedings Volume 4140, (2000) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.409112
KEYWORDS: Calibration, Charge-coupled devices, Roentgenium, Dispersion, Cameras, Spectrometers, Diffraction gratings, Spectral resolution, Mirrors, Diffraction

Proceedings Article | 18 July 2000 Paper
Martin Fivian, Jacek Bialkowski, W. Hajdas, Reinhold Henneck, A. Mchedlishvili, P. Ming, Knud Thomsen, Alex Zehnder, Gordon Hurford, David Curtis, David Pankow, Brian Dennis
Proceedings Volume 4012, (2000) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.391587
KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, Stars, Sun, Imaging systems, Calibration, Solar energy, Space operations, CCD image sensors, Spatial resolution, Imaging spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 18 July 2000 Paper
Knud Thomsen, Jacek Bialkowski, F. Burri, Martin Fivian, W. Hajdas, A. Mchedlishvili, P. Ming, J. Welte, Alex Zehnder
Proceedings Volume 4012, (2000) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.391588
KEYWORDS: Imaging systems, Imaging spectroscopy, Calibration, Solar energy, Solar processes, Modulation, Space operations, Spectroscopy, Spatial resolution, Hard x-rays

Proceedings Article | 22 October 1999 Paper
Reinhold Henneck, Jacek Bialkowski, F. Burri, Martin Fivian, W. Hajdas, A. Mchedlishvili, P. Ming, Knud Thomsen, J. Welte, Alex Zehnder, Brian Dennis, Gordon Hurford, David Curtis, David Pankow
Proceedings Volume 3765, (1999) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.366560
KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, Sun, Imaging systems, Space operations, Solar energy, Fermium, Frequency modulation, Data processing, Light emitting diodes, Imaging spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 22 October 1999 Paper
Reinhold Henneck, Jacek Bialkowski, F. Burri, Martin Fivian, W. Hajdas, A. Mchedlishvili, P. Ming, Knud Thomsen, J. Welte, Alex Zehnder, M. Dettwyler, F. Buerki, Gordon Hurford, David Curtis, David Pankow
Proceedings Volume 3765, (1999) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.366530
KEYWORDS: Stars, Charge-coupled devices, Sun, Imaging systems, Satellites, Reflectivity, Imaging spectroscopy, Spectroscopy, Space operations, Scanners

Proceedings Article | 2 November 1998 Paper
Robert Lin, Gordon Hurford, Norman Madden, Brian Dennis, Carol Crannell, Gordon Holman, Reuven Ramaty, Tycho von Rosenvinge, Alex Zehnder, H. Frank van Beek, Patricia Bornmann, Richard Canfield, A. Gordon Emslie, Hugh Hudson, Arnold Benz, John Brown, Shinzo Enome, Takeo Kosugi, Nicole Vilmer, David Smith, Jim McTiernan, Isabel Hawkins, Said Slassi-Sennou, Andre Csillaghy, George Fisher, Chris Johns-Krull, Richard Schwartz, Larry Orwig, Dominic Zarro, Ed Schmahl, Markus Aschwanden, Peter Harvey, David Curtis, David Pankow, David Clark, Robert Boyle, Reinhold Henneck, Akilo Michedlishvili, Knud Thomsen, Jeff Preble, Frank Snow
Proceedings Volume 3442, (1998) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.330245
KEYWORDS: Electrons, Imaging spectroscopy, Solar energy, X-rays, Spatial resolution, Space operations, Sensors, Hard x-rays, Ions, Sun

Proceedings Article | 31 October 1996 Paper
A. Brinkman, Henry Aarts, Antonius den Boggende, T. Bootsma, Luc Dubbeldam, Jan-Willem den Herder, Jelle Kaastra, Piet de Korte, Boris van Leeuwen, Rolf Mewe, E. van Zwet, Todd Decker, Charles Hailey, Steven Kahn, Frits Paerels, Steven Pratuch, Andrew Rasmussen, Graziella Branduardi-Raymont, Phil Guttridge, Jay Bixler, Knud Thomsen, Alex Zehnder, Christian Erd
Proceedings Volume 2808, (1996) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.256019
KEYWORDS: Charge-coupled devices, Roentgenium, Sensors, X-rays, Diffraction gratings, Telescopes, Calibration, Spectroscopy, Spectral resolution, CCD cameras

Proceedings Article | 18 October 1996 Paper
Pietro Ubertini, Guido Di Cocco, Francois Lebrun, L. Bassani, Angela Bazzano, Antony Bird, Kjell Broenstad, Ezio Caroli, M. Denis, Andrea Goldwurm, Claudio Labanti, Phillipe Laurent, Giuseppe Malaguti, I. Mirabel, Lorenzo Natalucci, M. Quadrini, Brian Ramsey, Victor Reglero, L. Sabau, Bruno Sacco, Ruediger Staubert, Laurent Vigroux, Martin Weisskopf, A. Zdziarski, Alex Zehnder
Proceedings Volume 2806, (1996) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.253984
KEYWORDS: Imaging systems, Sensors, X-rays, Spatial resolution, Calibration, Image resolution, Stars, Gamma radiation, Galactic astronomy, Tungsten

Proceedings Article | 13 September 1994 Paper
Jan-Willem den Herder, Henry Aarts, Marcel van den Berg, Jay Bixler, Antonius den Boggende, Graziella Branduardi-Raymont, A. Brinkman, Todd Decker, Luc Dubbeldam, Charles Hailey, Fred Jansen, Steven Kahn, Piet de Korte, C. Mauche, Richard Montesanti, Frits Paerels, Hugo Spruijt, Knud Thomsen, Peter Verhoeve, Alex Zehnder
Proceedings Volume 2209, (1994) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.185279
KEYWORDS: Mirrors, Charge-coupled devices, X-rays, Roentgenium, Cameras, X-ray telescopes, Back illuminated sensors, CCD cameras, Spectral resolution, Telescopes

Proceedings Article | 1 November 1990 Paper
Alex Zehnder, C. Hagen, W. Rothmund
Proceedings Volume 1344, (1990) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.23256
KEYWORDS: Quasiparticles, Sensors, Superconductors, Phonons, X-rays, Tin, X-ray astronomy, Lead, Absorption, Extreme ultraviolet

Proceedings Article | 1 November 1990 Paper
Alex Zehnder, Joerg Bialkowski, P. Buehler, E. Morenzoni, Nick Schlumpf, W. Schoeps, Knud Thomsen, T. Courvoisier, A. Orr, L. Chesalin, V. Dremin, D. Stepanov, Rashid Sunyaev, Oswald Siegmund, John Vallerga, Peter Vedder, Supriya Chakrabarti, John Warren, Giovanni Bonanno, Gordon Walker, K. Lund
Proceedings Volume 1344, (1990) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.23246
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Extreme ultraviolet, Telescopes, Space telescopes, X-rays, X-ray astronomy, Stars, Mirrors, Microchannel plates, Gamma radiation

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