Wilfried Uhring received the M.Sc degree in microelectronic and the Master’s Degree in engineering physic in 1999 and the Ph.D. degree in optoelectronics from University of Strasbourg, France, in 2002. Since 1999, he worked on the field of high speed imaging. He designed several ultrafast optical detection devices such as streak camera and gated intensified camera with sub-nanoseconds to picoseconds resolution. Since 2003, he extend his research activity in integrated ultrafast optoelectronic CMOS devices such as solid-state streak camera and System on a Chip. In 2013, he joined the Engineering science, computer science and imaging laboratory (ICube) laboratory, university of Strasbourg and CNRS in France, where he managed the Heterogeneous System and Microsystem team (SMH) of the ICube laboratory. Wilfried Uhring is member of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society, member of the Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers society (SPIE) and fellow of the IARIA society. He is involved in the committee of the NEWCAS (IEEE), SENSORCOMM and SIGNAL (IARIA) conferences for several years where he acting as a review tracks leader or in the steering committee. He is author/coauthor of about an hundred peer-reviewed articles in international journals and conferences.
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Real-time, wide-field, and quantitative oxygenation imaging using spatiotemporal modulation of light
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