Dr. Tuan Anh Duong is a president of Adaptive Computation LLC, a spin-off company from Caltech. He had been a senior researcher of the Bio-Inspired Technologies and Systems Group at the NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory for 26 years.
For his invention of on-chip processing to improve the cost of NASA missions he received the 2002 Exceptional NASA Space Act Award for the creative development of exceptional scientific and technical contribution for aerospace technology program of NASA. He also received two 2003, 2006 and 2009 Major NASA Space Act Awards. He was invited to participate the National Academies Keck Future Initiate (NAKFI) Complex Systems conference (http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12622&page=95 ) and has won the NAKFI grant with Prof. Nathan Lewis at Caltech (http://today.caltech.edu/today/story-display.tcl?story_id=36222 ).
He had US 6 patents (NASA and Caltech are assignee), 4 pending patents (Caltech) and 5 provisional patents (Caltech), three software copy rights, and 30 NASA new technology reports, has authored and co-authored over 82 journal and refereed papers as well as three book chapters. Among 10 patents and pending patents, 5 of them are on going to be licensed to four commercial companies.
His current research interests include cyber topological security, bio-inspired modeling and technologies, real time adaptive feature extraction, object identification in dynamic environment, system-on-a-chip consisting of sensor development and advanced signal processing, sensor fusion for target recognition, data compression for image and hyperspectral data, dynamic optimization, and VLSI hardware implementation
For his invention of on-chip processing to improve the cost of NASA missions he received the 2002 Exceptional NASA Space Act Award for the creative development of exceptional scientific and technical contribution for aerospace technology program of NASA. He also received two 2003, 2006 and 2009 Major NASA Space Act Awards. He was invited to participate the National Academies Keck Future Initiate (NAKFI) Complex Systems conference (http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12622&page=95 ) and has won the NAKFI grant with Prof. Nathan Lewis at Caltech (http://today.caltech.edu/today/story-display.tcl?story_id=36222 ).
He had US 6 patents (NASA and Caltech are assignee), 4 pending patents (Caltech) and 5 provisional patents (Caltech), three software copy rights, and 30 NASA new technology reports, has authored and co-authored over 82 journal and refereed papers as well as three book chapters. Among 10 patents and pending patents, 5 of them are on going to be licensed to four commercial companies.
His current research interests include cyber topological security, bio-inspired modeling and technologies, real time adaptive feature extraction, object identification in dynamic environment, system-on-a-chip consisting of sensor development and advanced signal processing, sensor fusion for target recognition, data compression for image and hyperspectral data, dynamic optimization, and VLSI hardware implementation
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