Dr. Reinhard Katterloher
at Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (39)

Proceedings Article | 29 August 2022 Poster + Paper
F. Lang-Bardl, A. Monna, F. Grupp, R. Bender, S. Annadevara, C. Goessl, H. J. Hess, R. Katterloher, H. Kravcar, F. Kummer, J. Schlichter, M. Wegner, V. Ziel
Proceedings Volume 12184, 1218434 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2629043
KEYWORDS: Imaging systems, Switches, Optical components, Image resolution, Optical mounts, Spectroscopy, Sensors, Cryogenics, Interfaces, Cameras

Proceedings Article | 9 September 2019 Presentation + Paper
Christof Bodendorf, Norbert Geis, Frank Grupp, Jennifer Kaminski, Reinhard Katterloher, Ralf Bender
Proceedings Volume 11116, 111160Y (2019) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2529114
KEYWORDS: Space telescopes, Wavefront analysis, Point spread functions, Cameras, Wavefronts, Sensors, Telescopes, Optical testing, Diffraction, Optical fabrication, Mirrors, Monochromatic aberrations

Proceedings Article | 5 January 2018 Open Access Paper
C. Gal, E. Gubbini, H. Thiele, A. Mottaghibonab, T. Leberle, B. Hilber, M. Vongehr, A. Boesz, H. Gebler, T. Sedlmaier, A. Meister, M. Gerstmeier, A. Mecsaci, B. Kusch, F. Grupp, C. Wimmer, A. Bode, C. Bodendorf, D. Penka, R. Katterloher, N. Geis, R. Bender
Proceedings Volume 10563, 105634G (2018) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2304246
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Cryogenics, Astronomical imaging, Interfaces, Photometry, Galactic astronomy, Diamond turning, Manufacturing, Spectroscopes, Baryon acoustic oscillations

Proceedings Article | 20 November 2017 Open Access Paper
A. Reutlinger, Anton Boesz, A. Mottaghibonab, P. Eckert, M. Dubowy, H. Gebler, F. Grupp, N. Geis, A. Bode, R. Katterloher, R. Bender
Proceedings Volume 10564, 105643T (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2309023

Proceedings Article | 5 September 2017 Presentation + Paper
Frank Grupp, Norbert Geis, Reinhard Katterloher, Ralf Bender
Proceedings Volume 10372, 103720D (2017) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2273662
KEYWORDS: Glasses, Silica, Astronomical imaging, Diffractive optical elements, In situ metrology, Optical testing, Space telescopes, Optical cryogenics

Proceedings Article | 29 July 2016 Paper
Frank Grupp, Eric Prieto, Norbert Geis, Andreas Bode, Christof Bodendorf, Anne Costille, Reinhard Katterloher, Daniela Penka, Ralf Bender
Proceedings Volume 9904, 99042M (2016) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2231362
KEYWORDS: Tolerancing, Tolerancing, Space telescopes, Computer generated holography, Assembly tolerances, Refractive index, Telescopes, Optical alignment, Interferometry, Staring arrays, Optical design

Proceedings Article | 28 August 2014 Paper
Frank Grupp, Eric Prieto, Norbert Geis, Andreas Bode, Reinhard Katterloher, Christof Bodendorf, Daniela Penka, Ralf Bender
Proceedings Volume 9143, 91432X (2014) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2055398
KEYWORDS: Tolerancing, Spectroscopy, Computer generated holography, Lenses, Space operations, Image quality, Electroluminescent displays, Assembly tolerances, Space telescopes, Monte Carlo methods

Proceedings Article | 26 September 2013 Paper
Frank Grupp, Eric Prieto, Norbert Geis, Andreas Bode, Reinhard Katterloher, Christof Bodendorf, Martin Becker, Stephanie Bogner, Ralf Bender
Proceedings Volume 8860, 88600G (2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2023264
KEYWORDS: Tolerancing, Computer generated holography, Space telescopes, Telescopes, Optical alignment, Interferometry, Spectroscopy, Galactic astronomy, Image quality, Photometry

Proceedings Article | 26 September 2013 Paper
Frank Grupp, Norbert Geis, Reinhard Katterloher, Ralf Bender
Proceedings Volume 8860, 88600N (2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2023252
KEYWORDS: Glasses, Near infrared, Sensors, Space telescopes, Satellites, Telescopes, Silica, Visualization, Infrared spectroscopy, Spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 27 September 2012 Paper
Frank Grupp, Eric Prieto, Norbert Geis, Andreas Bode, Reinhard Katterloher, Robert Grange, Veronika Junk, Ralf Bender
Proceedings Volume 8442, 84420X (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.925645
KEYWORDS: Tolerancing, Assembly tolerances, Spectroscopy, Space telescopes, Computer generated holography, Photometry, Telescopes, Near infrared, Satellites, Monte Carlo methods

Proceedings Article | 13 September 2012 Paper
A. Reutlinger, A. Mottaghibonab, C. Gal, A. Boesz, F. Grupp, N. Geis, A. Bode, R. Katterloher, R. Bender
Proceedings Volume 8450, 845028 (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.926861
KEYWORDS: Glasses, Silica, Cryogenics, Photometry, Adhesives, Galactic astronomy, Interfaces, Baryon acoustic oscillations, Aluminum, Near infrared

Proceedings Article | 13 September 2012 Paper
C. Gal, A. Reutlinger, A. Boesz, T. Leberle, A. Mottaghibonab, P. Eckert, M. Dubowy, H. Gebler, F. Grupp, N. Geis, A. Bode, R. Katterloher, R. Bender
Proceedings Volume 8450, 84500P (2012) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.926860
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Calibration, Cryogenics, Fiber optics sensors, Lens design, Distance measurement, Temperature metrology, Autoregressive models, Photometry, Manufacturing

Proceedings Article | 6 August 2010 Paper
Mario Schweitzer, Ralf Bender, Reinhard Katterloher, Frank Eisenhauer, Reiner Hofmann, Roberto Saglia, Rory Holmes, Oliver Krause, Hans-Walter Rix, Jeff Booth, Parker Fagrelius, Jason Rhodes, Suresh Seshadri, Alexandre Refregier, Jerome Amiaux, Jean-Louis Augueres, Olivier Boulade, Christophe Cara, Adam Amara, Simon Lilly, Eli Atad-Ettedgui, Anna-Maria Di Giorgio, Ludovic Duvet, Christopher Kuehl, Mohsin Syed
Proceedings Volume 7731, 77311K (2010) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.857031
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Near infrared, Staring arrays, Electronics, Monochromatic aberrations, Photometry, Point spread functions, Thermography, Galactic astronomy, Interfaces

Proceedings Article | 6 July 2006 Paper
L. Reichertz, J. Beeman, B. Cardozo, G. Jakob, R. Katterloher, N. Haegel, E. Haller
Proceedings Volume 6275, 62751S (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.673039
KEYWORDS: Gallium arsenide, Sensors, Doping, Photoresistors, Absorption, Semiconducting wafers, Detector development, Germanium, Multilayers, Interfaces

Proceedings Article | 27 June 2006 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6275, 627515 (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.673504
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Signal detection, Solar processes, Infrared sensors, Crystals, Optical filters, Calibration, Spectroscopy, Aluminum

Proceedings Article | 14 June 2006 Paper
Jutta Stegmaier, Stephan Birkmann, Ulrich Grözinger, Reinhard Katterloher, Oliver Krause, Dietrich Lemke
Proceedings Volume 6265, 62652H (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.671128
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Particles, Radiation effects, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Cesium, Calibration, Infrared sensors, Photons, Black bodies, Environmental sensing

Proceedings Article | 29 August 2005 Paper
L. Reichertz, B. Cardozo, J. Beeman, D. Larsen, S. Tschanz, G. Jakob, R. Katterloher, N. Haegel, E. Haller
Proceedings Volume 5883, 58830Q (2005) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.620156
KEYWORDS: Gallium arsenide, Doping, Sensors, Photoresistors, Liquid phase epitaxy, Detector arrays, Absorption, Sulfur, Carbon, Far infrared

Proceedings Article | 4 November 2004 Paper
Lothar Reichertz, Jeffrey Beeman, Benjamin Cardozo, Nancy Haegel, Eugene Haller, Gerd Jakob, Reinhard Katterloher
Proceedings Volume 5543, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.560291
KEYWORDS: Gallium arsenide, Sensors, Doping, Absorption, Liquid phase epitaxy, Photoresistors, Astronomy, Silicon, Detector arrays, Germanium

Proceedings Article | 12 October 2004 Paper
Albrecht Poglitsch, Christoffel Waelkens, Otto Bauer, Jordi Cepa, Thomas Henning, Chris van Hoof, Reinhard Katterloher, Franz Kerschbaum, Dietrich Lemke, Etienne Renotte, Louis Rodriguez, Pierre Royer, Paolo Saraceno
Proceedings Volume 5487, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.550045
KEYWORDS: Spectroscopy, Photometry, Sensors, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Bolometers, Telescopes, Imaging spectroscopy, Spectroscopes, Calibration, Photoresistors

Proceedings Article | 12 October 2004 Paper
Stephan Birkmann, Katja Eberle, Ulrich Grozinger, Dietrich Lemke, Jurgen Schreiber, Lothar Barl, Reinhard Katterloher, Albrecht Poglitsch, Josef Schubert, Hilmar Richter
Proceedings Volume 5487, (2004) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.550376
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Cameras, Infrared sensors, Black bodies, Chromium, Photoresistors, Spectroscopy, Infrared radiation, Mirrors

Proceedings Article | 17 February 2003 Paper
Albrecht Poglitsch, Reinhard Katterloher, Rainer Hoenle, Jeffrey Beeman, Eugene Haller, Hilmar Richter, Ulrich Groezinger, Nancy Haegel, Alfred Krabbe
Proceedings Volume 4855, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.459184
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Gallium arsenide, Liquid phase epitaxy, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Photoresistors, Detector arrays, Quantum efficiency, Doping, Spectroscopy, Electronics

Proceedings Article | 18 December 2002 Paper
Hilmar Richter, Patrick Merken, Y. Creten, J. Putzeys, Chris Van Hoof, Reinhard Katterloher, Dirk Rosenthal, M. Rumitz, Ulrich Groezinger, Ralph Hofferbert, Jeffrey Beeman, Stefan Kraft
Proceedings Volume 4818, (2002) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.453906
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Photoresistors, Crystals, Quantum efficiency, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Electronics, Detector arrays, Manufacturing, Semiconducting wafers

Proceedings Article | 8 February 2002 Paper
Reinhard Katterloher, Gerd Jakob, Mitsuharu Konuma, Alfred Krabbe, Nancy Haegel, S. Samperi, Jeffrey Beeman, Eugene Haller
Proceedings Volume 4486, (2002) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.455132
KEYWORDS: Gallium arsenide, Liquid phase epitaxy, Sensors, Doping, Gallium, Infrared sensors, Photoresistors, Silicon, Absorption, Far infrared

Proceedings Article | 12 December 2001 Paper
Stefan Kraft, Patrick Merken, Y. Creten, J. Putzeys, Chris Van Hoof, Reinhard Katterloher, Dirk Rosenthal, M. Rumitz, Ulrich Groezinger, Ralph Hofferbert, Jeffrey Beeman
Proceedings Volume 4540, (2001) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.450715
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Photoresistors, Quantum efficiency, Crystals, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Electronics, Detector arrays, Manufacturing, Semiconducting wafers

Proceedings Article | 16 November 2000 Paper
Stefan Kraft, Otto Frenzl, Olivier Charlier, Chris Van Hoof, Reinhard Katterloher, Dirk Rosenthal, Lothar Barl, Ulrich Groezinger, Jeffrey Beeman
Proceedings Volume 4131, (2000) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.406563
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Crystals, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Photoresistors, Optics manufacturing, Manufacturing, Electronics, Quantum efficiency, Spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 28 July 2000 Paper
Reinhard Katterloher, Lothar Barl, Gerd Jakob, Mitsuharu Konuma, Eugene Haller, Otto Frenzl, Lou Hermans
Proceedings Volume 4013, (2000) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.393991
KEYWORDS: Gallium arsenide, Sensors, Liquid phase epitaxy, Photoresistors, Tellurium, Silicon, Astronomy, Cryogenics, Gallium, Electronics

Proceedings Article | 28 July 2000 Paper
Stefan Kraft, Otto Frenzl, Olivier Charlier, Thys Cronje, Reinhard Katterloher, Dirk Rosenthal, Ulrich Groezinger, Jeffrey Beeman
Proceedings Volume 4013, (2000) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.393979
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Quantum efficiency, Electronics, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Crystals, Manufacturing, Detector arrays, Gold, Signal to noise ratio

Proceedings Article | 6 December 1999 Paper
Stefan Kraft, Otto Frenzl, Lou Hermans, Reinhard Katterloher, Dirk Rosenthal, Ulrich Groezinger, Jeffrey Beeman
Proceedings Volume 3759, (1999) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.372660
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Electronics, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Manufacturing, Bolometers, Crystals, Infrared sensors, Spectroscopy, Cryogenics, Imaging spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 21 August 1998 Paper
Mattheus de Graauw, Helmut Feuchtgruber, Peter Roelfsema, A. Salama, Otto Bauer, Douwe Beintema, D. Boxhoorn, L. Decin, Leo Haser, A. Heras, Rik Huygen, Reinhard Katterloher, D. Kester, D. Kunze, F. Lahuis, K. Leech, C. Lorente, Dieter Lutz, P. Morris, S. Schaeidt, E. Sturm, Edwin Valentijn, Bart Vandenbussche, Rens Waters, E. Wieprecht, E. Wiezorrek, Erick Young
Proceedings Volume 3354, (1998) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.317249
KEYWORDS: Calibration, Sensors, Spectroscopy, Spectral resolution, Fabry–Perot interferometers, Radiation effects, Scanners, Particles, Astronomy, Crystals

Proceedings Article | 21 August 1998 Paper
Dietrich Lemke, Lothar Barl, S. Eckardt, Otto Frenzl, Ulrich Groezinger, Lou Hermans, Gerd Jakob, Reinhard Katterloher, Albrecht Poglitsch, Joost Seijnaeve, Juergen Wolf
Proceedings Volume 3354, (1998) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.317247
KEYWORDS: Chromium, Sensors, Cameras, Picture Archiving and Communication System, Manufacturing, Photoresistors, Capacitors, Satellites, Electronics, Spectroscopy

Proceedings Article | 21 August 1998 Paper
Reinhard Katterloher, Lothar Barl, Jeffrey Beeman, Erwin Czech, Detlef Engemann, Otto Frenzl, Nancy Haegel, Eugene Haller, Thomas Henning, Lou Hermans, Gerd Jakob, Mitsuharu Konuma, Goeran Pilbratt
Proceedings Volume 3354, (1998) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.317301
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Gallium arsenide, Infrared sensors, Cryogenics, Electronics, Photoresistors, Liquid phase epitaxy, Interfaces, Doping, Far infrared

Proceedings Article | 29 September 1995 Paper
Reinhard Katterloher, Gerd Jakob, Elisabeth Bauser, S. Zehender, Eugene Haller, Jeffrey Beeman, Thomas Henning, Goeran Pilbratt
Proceedings Volume 2553, (1995) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.221382
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Gallium arsenide, Photoresistors, Detector development, Liquid phase epitaxy, Silicon, Detector arrays, Signal detection, Space telescopes, Photodetectors

Proceedings Article | 6 June 1995 Paper
Reinhard Katterloher, Gerd Jakob, Elisabeth Bauser, Eugene Haller, Thomas Henning, Goeran Pilbratt
Proceedings Volume 2475, (1995) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.211243
KEYWORDS: Gallium arsenide, Sensors, Liquid phase epitaxy, Photoresistors, Silicon, Detector development, Detector arrays, Contamination, Space telescopes, Far infrared

Proceedings Article | 14 September 1994 Paper
Dietrich Lemke, Michel Anderegg, Catherine Cesarsky, Peter Clegg, Roger Emery, Mattheus de Graauw, Reinhard Katterloher, Martin Kessler, Harm Schaap, Bruce Swinyard, Clemens Tilgner, Laurent Vigroux, Juergen Wolf
Proceedings Volume 2268, (1994) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.185820
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Satellites, Telescopes, Calibration, Space telescopes, Helium, Spectroscopy, Infrared radiation, Electronics, Optical filters

Proceedings Article | 9 June 1994 Paper
Andreas Eckart, Torsten Boeker, Reiner Hofmann, Reinhard Katterloher, Andreas Quirrenbach, M. Loewe, Pierre Cruzalebes
Proceedings Volume 2200, (1994) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.177261
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Device simulation, Optical simulations, Speckle, Image restoration, Calibration, Turbulence, Mirrors, Reconstruction algorithms, Interferometers

Proceedings Article | 9 June 1994 Paper
Reinhard Katterloher, Torsten Boeker, Andreas Eckart, Reiner Hofmann, Gerhard Jakob, Andreas Quirrenbach, M. Loewe
Proceedings Volume 2200, (1994) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.177262
KEYWORDS: Telescopes, Mirrors, Optical simulations, Device simulation, Cameras, Wavefronts, Light sources, Deformable mirrors, Adaptive optics, Image restoration

Proceedings Article | 20 October 1993 Paper
Douwe Beintema, Mattheus de Graauw, Willem Luinge, Edwin Valentijn, Jan Wijnbergen, Klaas Wildeman, Lothar Barl, Helmut Feuchtgruber, Leo Haser, Reinhard Katterloher, F. Melzner, Jakob Stoecker
Proceedings Volume 1946, (1993) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.158682
KEYWORDS: Spectroscopy, Sensors, Fabry–Perot interferometers, Mirrors, Calibration, Spectral resolution, Diffraction gratings, Fabry–Perot interferometry, Infrared spectroscopy, Cryogenics

Proceedings Article | 1 October 1993 Paper
Mattheus de Graauw, Douwe Beintema, Willem Luinge, Jan Wijnbergen, Klaas Wildeman, G. Ploeger, J. Evers, Erick Young, Theo Kamperman, C. van Dijkhuizen, P. de Groene, M. Frericks, R. van der Linden, S. Czempiel, Helmut Feuchtgruber, Leo Haser, Reinhard Katterloher, F. Melzner, H. Spath, Jakob Stoecker, Huib Visser, Kees Smorenburg, H. van Agthoven
Proceedings Volume 2019, (1993) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.157842
KEYWORDS: Sensors, Spectroscopy, Spectral resolution, Infrared spectroscopy, Fabry–Perot interferometry, Analytical research, Infrared Space Observatory, Fabry–Perot interferometers, Infrared sensors, Optical filters

Proceedings Article | 1 October 1993 Paper
Edwin Valentijn, Douwe Beintema, A. Boonstra, M. Glas, Mattheus de Graauw, S. van der Lei, Willem Luinge, J. Wensink, Klaas Wildeman, C. van Dijkhuizen, R. van der Linden, Lothar Barl, Helmut Feuchtgruber, Leo Haser, Reinhard Katterloher, Dieter Lutz, M. Steinmayer
Proceedings Volume 2019, (1993) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.157852
KEYWORDS: Calibration, Sensors, Spectroscopy, Scanners, Spectral resolution, Infrared sensors, Absorption, Mirrors, Infrared radiation, Remote sensing

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