His is currently serving as: associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Medical Physics (AAPM) and Journal of Electronic Imaging (SPIE and IS&T), program committee member for IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging and SPIE Image Perception conferences and review on SBIB (10) NIH panel. He is a member of SPIE, Sigma Xi and senior member of IEEE technical communities.
Lymph node biopsy is a primary means of staging breast cancer, yet standard pathological techniques are time-consuming and typically sample less than 1% of the total node volume. A low-cost fluorescence optical projection tomography (OPT) protocol is demonstrated for rapid imaging of whole lymph nodes in three dimensions. The relatively low scattering properties of lymph node tissue can be leveraged to significantly improve spatial resolution of lymph node OPT by employing angular restriction of photon detection. It is demonstrated through porcine lymph node metastases models that simple filtered-backprojection reconstruction is sufficient to detect and localize 200-μm-diameter metastases (the smallest clinically significant) in 1-cm-diameter lymph nodes.
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