Dr. John B. Kumer
Scientist at Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co
SPIE Involvement:
Publications (16)

Proceedings Article | 24 October 2013 Paper
Roel van Bezooijen, John Kumer, Charles Clark, Harald Weigl, Ketao Liu
Proceedings Volume 8889, 88891P (2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2029350
KEYWORDS: Stars, Calibration, Mirrors, Computer programming, Head, Electrons, Error analysis, Ions, Image registration, Neodymium

Proceedings Article | 19 September 2013 Paper
Joseph Mobilia, John Kumer, Alice Palmer, Kevin Sawyer, Yalan Mao, Noah Katz, Jack Mix, Ted Nast, Charles Clark, Roel Vanbezooijen, Antonio Magoncelli, Ronald Baraze, David Chenette
Proceedings Volume 8867, 88670L (2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2029634
KEYWORDS: IRIS Consortium, Electronics, Cryocoolers, Spectroscopy, Staring arrays, Space operations, Mirrors, Stars, Sensors, Imaging systems

Proceedings Article | 19 September 2013 Paper
John (Jack) Kumer, Richard Rairden, Aidan Roche, Frederic Chevallier, Peter Rayner, Berrien Moore
Proceedings Volume 8867, 88670K (2013) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2022668
KEYWORDS: Carbon dioxide, Signal to noise ratio, Spectrometers, Data modeling, Mirrors, Staring arrays, Carbon monoxide, Spectral resolution, Optical filters, Beam splitters

Proceedings Article | 17 October 2007 Paper
Aidan Roche, John Kumer, Richard Rairden, John Mergenthaler
Proceedings Volume 6744, 67440R (2007) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.730477
KEYWORDS: Carbon monoxide, Spectroscopy, Spectral resolution, Data modeling, Infrared spectroscopy, Reflectivity, Sensors, Atmospheric modeling, Infrared radiation, Gases

Proceedings Article | 1 September 2006 Paper
Proceedings Volume 6299, 629908 (2006) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.680925
KEYWORDS: Short wave infrared radiation, Mid-IR, Long wavelength infrared, Infrared radiation, Spectral resolution, Atmospheric modeling, Spectrometers, Sensors, Absorption, Calibration

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