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In this work we present a comparison between manufacturing flows of traditional approach SADP-SID and Selective- Etching SADP-SID, and how can the process definition of each approach affects spacing constraints between Cut/Blocks patterns, OPC masks, and accordingly, affect the final manufactured patterns quality quantified based on Edge- Placement-Error (EPE) and Process Variation Band (PVBand).
The printability of the resulted OPC masks is checked through a model based manufacturing flow for the two pattering approaches. The final manufactured patterns are quantified by Edge Placement Error (EPE), Process Variation Band (PVBand), soft/hard bridging and pinching, Image Log Slope (ILS) and Common Depth of Focus (CDOF)
In this work we are comparing two potential pattering techniques for Back End Of Line (BEOL) metal layers in the 5nm technology node, the first technique is Single Exposure EUV (SE-EUV) with a Direct Patterning EUV lithography process, and the second one is Self-Aligned Quadruple Patterning (SAQP) with a hybrid lithography processes, where the drawn metal target layer is decomposed into a Mandrel mask and Blocks/Cut mask, Mandrel mask is printed using DUV 193i lithography process, while Block/Cut Mask is printed using SE-EUV lithography process. The pros and cons of each technique are quantified based on Edge-Placement-Error (EPE) and Process Variation Band (PVBand) measured at 1D and 2D edges. The layout used in this comparison is a candidate layout for Foundries 5nm process node.
In this paper a novel matrix retargeting based PWOPC was developed to find optimal OPC solutions by solving constraints-based matrix and applying minimal retargeting as needed.2 Experiment results showed enhanced process window and reasonable performance.
In-line CD and overlay metrology specifications are typically established by starting with design rules and making certain assumptions about error distributions which might be encountered in manufacturing. Lot disposition criteria in photo metrology (rework or pass to etch) are set assuming worst case assumptions for CD and overlay respectively. For example poly to active overlay specs start with poly endcap design rules and make assumptions about active and poly lot average and across lot CDs, and incorporate general knowledge about poly line end rounding to ensure that leakage current is maintained within specification. This worst case guard banding does not consider specific chip designs, however and as we have previously shown full-chip simulation can elucidate the most critical "hot spots" for interlayer process variability comprehending the two-layer CD and misalignment process window. It was shown that there can be differences in X versus Y misalignment process windows as well as positive versus negative directional misalignment process windows and that such design specific information might be leveraged for manufacturing disposition and control schemes.
This paper will further investigate examples of via-metal model-based analysis of CD and overlay errors. We will investigate both single patterning and double patterning. For single patterning, we show the advantage of contour to contour simulation over contour to target simulation, and how the addition of aberrations in the optical models can provide a more realistic PW window for edge placement errors. For double patterning, the interaction of 4 layer CD and misalignment errors is very complex, but we illustrate that not only can full-chip verification identify potential rEPE hotspots, the OPC engine can act to mitigate such hotspots and enlarge the overall combined CD-overlay rEPE process window.
In this paper we present a hybrid OPC solution based on local ILT usage around hot spots. It is named as Local Printability Enhancement (LPE) flow. First, conventional OPC and SRAF placement is applied on the whole design. Then, we apply LPE solution only on the remaining problematic hot spots of the design. The LPE flow also takes into account the mask rules so that it maintains the mask rule check (MRC) compliance through the borders of the repaired hot spot’s areas. We will demonstrate that the LPE flow enlarges the process window around hot spots and gives better lithography quality than baseline. The simulation results are confirmed on silicon wafer where all the hot spots are printed. We will demonstrate that LPE flow enlarges the depth of focus of the most challenging hot spot by 30nm compared to POR conventional solution. Because the proposed flow applies ILT solution on very local hot spot areas, the total OPC run time remains acceptable from manufacturing side.
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