Ahmet Ali Yanik is an Assist. Prof. in the Baskin School of Engineering at University of California, Santa Cruz. His current research focuses on isolation and cell analysis of single Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) from human blood using optofluidic-nanoplasmonic platforms. His research interests include nanoantennas and metamaterial devices for ultrasensitive infrared spectroscopy of biomolecules/chemicals as well as high-throughput, cost effective BioNEMS technologies for life sciences and point-of-care diagnostics. His expertise is in high-end nanolithography and bio-patterning as well as theory and engineering of nanophotonic devices. He has published more than 80 peer reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings. His scientific contributions are featured by National Academy of Science, National Science Foundation, Institute of Physics, Nature Materials, Physics World, US News, BM Think Project, SPIE News, IBM Think Project, SPIE News, Biophotonics International, etc.
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