1 October 2010 High-throughput implementation of lifting-based discrete wavelet transforms using look-ahead pipelining
Zhirong Gao, Chengyi Xiong
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Funded by: Natural Science Foundation of China, Nature Science Foundation of China, Key Project of the Hubei Natural Science Foundation, Natural Science Foundation of SCUEC
We present a novel high-throughput very large scale integration implementation for a lifting-based discrete wavelet transform (DWT). First, an efficient parallel processing technique using look-ahead pipelining is investigated for implementation of 1-D DWT; then the scalable design respectively for the 1-D architecture and 2-D architecture is introduced. The proposed designs indicate that the delay registers of the 1-D architecture and the line buffers of the 2-D architecture do not increase proportionally to the amount of parallelism exploited, which is very meaningful to control increase of cost for 2-D high-speed implementation. The proposed 2-D architecture could complete one level of the decomposition transform for an N×N frame of an image in approximately N×N/(4I×J) intraclock cycles, where the values of I and J could be set as arbitrary suitable positive integers. Compared with the previous similar methods, the proposed design could efficiently save hardware resources under the same throughput rate, and has more flexible scalability and simpler control complexity; thus, it could be an efficient alternative for high-speed applications.
©(2010) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Zhirong Gao and Chengyi Xiong "High-throughput implementation of lifting-based discrete wavelet transforms using look-ahead pipelining," Optical Engineering 49(10), 107003 (1 October 2010). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3497049
Published: 1 October 2010
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Discrete wavelet transforms


Parallel processing

Very large scale integration

Optical engineering


Computer architecture

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