1 August 2003 Practical system for tracking multiple maneuvering targets
Jianxun Li, Zhong-Liang Jing
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The tracking of multiple maneuvering targets in a dense clutter environment is investigated. An effective parallel processing algorithm based on state fusion and fast joint probabilistic data association (FJPDA) is proposed. State fusion and feedback of all state information are used to fit different movements of targets. The FJPDA, combining cluster matrix decomposition with a fast data association algorithm, is used for tracking multiple targets. The advantages of this algorithm are not only keeping the accurate estimation and fast response for target maneuvering, but also reducing the computational burden of data association from N! to N/4*(4!). Three examples are simulated to prove the validity and reliability of the proposed new algorithm.
©(2003) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Jianxun Li and Zhong-Liang Jing "Practical system for tracking multiple maneuvering targets," Optical Engineering 42(8), (1 August 2003). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.1587152
Published: 1 August 2003
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