Jang-Keun Bae, Yang-Hoi Doh, Duck Soo Noh, Soo-Joong Kim
Optical Engineering, Vol. 37, Issue 07, (July 1998) https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601716
TOPICS: Reticles, Imaging systems, Modulation, Image segmentation, Image resolution, Frequency modulation, Fermium, Signal detection, Sensors, Multiplexing
A new frequency modulation/time division multiplexing (FM/ TDM) hybrid reticle for an imaging system is proposed. The spinning reticle modulates the pixels contained in one column of scanned image to different frequencies according to their location. An imaging system using the proposed reticle can reconstruct a high-resolution 2-D image with the same number of bandpass filters as a FM reticle system. An optical experiment shows that the proposed FM/TDM hybrid reticle can be used as a low-cost imaging system.