1 February 1998 Signature strength metrics for camouflaged targets corresponding to human perceptual cues
Anthony C. Copeland, Mohan M. Trivedi
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The goal of this research is to find signature strength metrics that correspond closely to the distinctness of a target as perceived by humans, especially for camouflaged targets. We consider metrics that attempt to measure the strength of three perceptual cues: contrast, texture differences, and boundary strength. The contrast cue is measured with first-order metrics, differences in texture are measured with a second-order metric, and boundary strength is measured by computing contrast along the target-background boundary. We discuss a psychophysical experiment designed to generate quantitative measurements of perceived target distinctness for comparison with the target signature strength metrics. This experiment involves paired comparisons of image stimuli, each containing a single random target pattern embedded at a known location in a random background pattern. The data from the psychophysical experiment are compared with computed values of the target signature strength metrics, and a second-order image texture metric was found to exhibit the strongest correlation with the human data.
Anthony C. Copeland and Mohan M. Trivedi "Signature strength metrics for camouflaged targets corresponding to human perceptual cues," Optical Engineering 37(2), (1 February 1998). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601858
Published: 1 February 1998
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