1 April 1997 Measurement of laser diode astigmatism
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Theoretical and experimental studies are presented on the two commonly used laser diode astigmatism measurement methods: the moving-diode method and the moving-profiler method. Both methods use lens(es) to focus the laser beam and a camera (or beam profiler) to locate the focal point of the focused beam. It is theoretically shown that the moving-diode method is valid when the distance between the diode and the lens is much larger than the lens focal length and the camera is positioned at a corresponding distance to the lens, and that virtually no calculation is required in a measurement. It is theoretically and experimentally shown that the moving-profiler method is valid when the measured data are elaborately processed using Gaussian optics and that the previous measurement with the measured data being processed by geometric optics was wrong.
Haiyin Sun "Measurement of laser diode astigmatism," Optical Engineering 36(4), (1 April 1997). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601147
Published: 1 April 1997
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Cited by 9 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Monochromatic aberrations

Semiconductor lasers

Gaussian beams

Gaussian optics

Geometrical optics




Beam analysis round robin
Proceedings of SPIE (April 22 1993)
Quasi-geometrical approach in laser diode optics problems
Proceedings of SPIE (August 21 1995)

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