1 September 1987 Flash Technology For Charge-Coupled-Device Imaging In The Ultraviolet
James R. Janesick, Dave Campbell, Tom Elliott, Taher Daud
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The introduction of the flash gate has made possible the fabrication of backside-illuminated CCDs with high sensitivity and stability throughout a wide range of ultraviolet and visible wavelengths (100 to 5000 A ). It had been determined previously that the characteristics of the oxide layer beneath the gate are critical to the ultimate achievable CCD performance. However, by creating an improved oxide layer in conjunction with the flash gate, we are now able to consistently produce CCDs with near-ideal UV performance. In the interest of transferring flash technology to industry, in this paper we present recent results and related background theory that optimize the flash gate specifically for application in the UV.
James R. Janesick, Dave Campbell, Tom Elliott, and Taher Daud "Flash Technology For Charge-Coupled-Device Imaging In The Ultraviolet," Optical Engineering 26(9), 269852 (1 September 1987). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7974163
Published: 1 September 1987
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Cited by 16 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Charge-coupled devices

Ultraviolet radiation


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