1 August 1977 Applications of Diamond Turning to Infrared Optical Systems
Floyd E. Johnson, Theodore T. Saito
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Diamond turning is immediately applicable to the fabrication of infrared optical components because presently available machines can meet the reduced absolute accuracies required at 10 micrometers. An initial survey of infrared sensor programs at the Honeywell Radiation Center has been conducted to predict the near term and future demand for diamond-turned optical components. Not only does the fabrication process promise significant cost savings as compared to conventional lapping and polishing methods, but, as in the case of aspheric lenses, wider applications are also sought to reduce weight and space requirements. In addition, broader usage of diamond-turned aspherics reduces total parts count and assembly and alignment time, provided proper tools and test equipment are employed. The potential cost savings of diamond-turned vs conventionally fabricated optics are summarized for contracts at the Radiation Center. The savings were calculated by subtracting the difference in fabrication costs and multiplying by the number of items expected to be produced into the mid-1980s. Technical fallout potential of the diamond-turning process is also noted in the apparent ability of a coated sample to pass a 24-hour salt fog test.
Floyd E. Johnson and Theodore T. Saito "Applications of Diamond Turning to Infrared Optical Systems," Optical Engineering 16(4), 164387 (1 August 1977). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7972057
Published: 1 August 1977
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Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Diamond turning

Infrared radiation

Infrared imaging

Aspheric lenses

Optical components

Optical fabrication

Infrared sensors


Latest advancements in alignment turning of mounted optics
Proceedings of SPIE (January 01 1900)
DSG optics for infrared optical imaging
Proceedings of SPIE (January 01 1900)
Diamond Turning At Honeywell
Proceedings of SPIE (October 27 1978)
Applications Of Diamond Turning To Infrared Optical Systems
Proceedings of SPIE (December 16 1976)

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