Erratum corrects errors in Table 2. |
This article [J. Opt. Microsystems 4(1), 011004 (2023) doi 10.1117/1.JOM.4.1.011004] was originally published on 6 December 2023, with erroneous values in Table 2, as shown below. The UCUT values of Simulation (pm/mW) and Difference (%) were incorrect. Table 2Ring modulator heater efficiency from experiments (pm/mW) and simulations (equivalent model) (K/mW). The value between brackets is obtained by the geometric model.
The table was corrected on 11 March 2024. The corrected table is shown below. Table 2Ring modulator heater efficiency from experiments (pm/mW) and simulations (equivalent model) (K/mW). The value between brackets is obtained by the geometric model.