Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology

Editor-in-Chief: Harry Levinson, HJL Lithography, USA

The Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology    (JM 3) publishes peer-reviewed papers on the core enabling technologies that address the patterning needs of the electronics industry. Formerly the Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, the journal’s key subject areas include the science, development, and practice of lithographic, computational, etch, and integration technologies. In this context the electronics industry includes but is not limited to integrated circuits and multichip modules, and advanced packaging with features in the submicron regime.

On the cover: The figure is from "Curvilinear masks overview: manufacturable mask shapes are more reliably manufacturable" by A. Fujimura, Y. Choi, and A. Shendre in Vol. 23, Issue 4.

The Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology (JM3), formerly the Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, publishes peer-reviewed papers on the core enabling technologies that address the patterning needs of the electronics industry. Key subject areas include the science, development, and practice of lithographic, computational, etch, and integration technologies. In this context the electronics industry includes but is not limited to integrated circuits and multichip modules, and advanced packaging with features in the submicron regime.

The scope is broad to facilitate synergy and interest among the industrial and academic communities served by the journal. Topical areas covered include:

  • Lithography: Tools, masks, processes, and computational methods associated with the pattern formation of structures that have submicrometer and nanometer-scale features. Included are imaging and nonimaging approaches using optics, electron and other particle beams, nanoimprint, molecular self-assembly, and their hybrids. Applications include semiconductor fabrication but also patterning for other micro/nanodevices.
  • Materials: The materials used to produce the patterns of micro/nanodevices, including resists, self-assembling materials, antireflection coatings, and other materials that are integral to the lithographic process.
  • Metrology: Metrology and process control for electronic devices and their fabrication processes.
  • Etch: Technologies for transferring patterns into the films that form electronic devices.
  • Integration: The combination of lithography, thin films, and etch to form the patterns of electronic devices.
Journal Details

    About the Journal

    ISSN: 1932-5150
    E-ISSN: 2708-8340 
    Publisher: SPIE
    Frequency: Article-at-a-time publication; quarterly (4 issues/year)
    Year established: 2002
    Format: Online


    CiteScoreTM 2023:  3.4
    Impact Factor*: 1.5
    h5-index: 20

    *Source: Journal Impact FactorTM, from Clarivate, 2024

    Abstracting and Indexing

    • Science Citation Index Expanded
    • Materials Science Citation Index
    • Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
    • Current Contents - Engineering, Computing & Technology
    • Inspec
    • Scopus
    • Ei Compendex
    • Astrophysics Data System

    Editorial Office

    P.O. Box 10
    Bellingham, WA 98227-0010 USA
    Tel: +1 360 676 3290
    Fax: +1 360 647 1445

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