20 December 2013 Gait recognition based on Gabor wavelets and modified gait energy image for human identification
Deng-Yuan Huang, Ta-Wei Lin, Wu-Chih Hu, Chih-Hsiang Cheng
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Funded by: National Science Council, Taiwan
This paper proposes a method for recognizing human identity using gait features based on Gabor wavelets and modified gait energy images (GEIs). Identity recognition by gait generally involves gait representation, extraction, and classification. In this work, a modified GEI convolved with an ensemble of Gabor wavelets is proposed as a gait feature. Principal component analysis is then used to project the Gabor-wavelet-based gait features into a lower-dimension feature space for subsequent classification. Finally, support vector machine classifiers based on a radial basis function kernel are trained and utilized to recognize human identity. The major contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) the consideration of the shadow effect to yield a more complete segmentation of gait silhouettes; (2) the utilization of motion estimation to track people when walkers overlap; and (3) the derivation of modified GEIs to extract more useful gait information. Extensive performance evaluation shows a great improvement of recognition accuracy due to the use of shadow removal, motion estimation, and gait representation using the modified GEIs and Gabor wavelets.
© 2013 SPIE and IS&T 0091-3286/2013/$25.00 © 2013 SPIE and IS&T
Deng-Yuan Huang, Ta-Wei Lin, Wu-Chih Hu, and Chih-Hsiang Cheng "Gait recognition based on Gabor wavelets and modified gait energy image for human identification," Journal of Electronic Imaging 22(4), 043039 (20 December 2013). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.22.4.043039
Published: 20 December 2013
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Gait analysis



Motion estimation

Principal component analysis

Feature extraction

Discrete wavelet transforms

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