1.IntroductionSince its introduction1 optical coherence tomography (OCT) has become a well-established technique for obtaining high-resolution structural images of biological and other semitransparent tissue. The introduction of ultrabroadband spatially coherent sources2, 3 and full-field OCT instruments using affordable spatially incoherent white-light sources4 has brought the resolution toward that obtained on histological sections. In recent years several groups have worked on expanding OCT to functional imaging. Promising results have been reported for Doppler flow imaging,5 polarization sensitive OCT,6 and spectroscopic OCT.7, 8, 9 Several authors have addressed the challenge of extracting quantitative information on optical properties from scattering samples using low-coherence interferometry (LCI) and OCT. To obtain high precision in the estimated optical properties, knowledge is required about the relationship between optical properties of a scattering sample and the signal measured by LCI,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and about how speckle noise affects imaging of optical properties.9, 16, 17 The motivation for our work is to be able to monitor the concentration of photosensitizers used in photodynamic therapy (PDT). Apart from in vivo fluorescence monitoring, the photosensitizer part of in vivo PDT dosimetry is still in its infancy.18 The requirement for in situ, noninvasive monitoring of drug concentration rules out methods that measure diffusion as a steady-state molecular mobility, and methods based on special measurement or sample geometries.19 OCT represents a promising method to meet this challenge. Hand-held or endoscope-based OCT systems can access a variety of sites within the body and provide high-resolution cross-sectional images from which it is possible to determine the optical properties and thus the photosensitizer concentration and the effect of photosensitizer diffusion. We have previously presented results from a first step toward the goal of noninvasive concentration monitoring by OCT, by measuring diffusion of a PDT-related dye in 1.5% agar gel.20 A model of the OCT signal as a function of sample depth and time in the presence of a diffusing dye was then fitted to experimental data in order to obtain an estimate of the diffusion coefficient. The model assumed homogeneous samples having a constant scattering coefficient. The scattering coefficient of 1.5% agar gel was measured using OCT prior to the diffusion measurements, and found to be and thus one to two orders of magnitude below realistic values for the scattering coefficient of tissue. In the present work we further develop the method presented in Ref. 20 toward application on realistic tissue samples by performing measurements on agar samples having different amounts of Intralipid (IL) added to increase scattering. Measurements are done simultaneously at two wavelengths. One wavelength matches the absorption peak of the dye, and the other, which is unaffected by the dye, is used to determine the scattering coefficient of the samples, using a simple but realistic model for the relationship between scattering at the two wavelengths. An estimate of the diffusion coefficient is obtained using a more general version of the parameter-fitting approach presented in Ref. 20. The model of the LCI signal used in the present paper is extended to handle slow variations in the scattering coefficient with depth whereas the model used in Ref. 20 required a constant scattering coefficient known prior to the diffusion measurements. While presently only tested on samples having homogeneous scattering properties, this method should be suitable for diffusion measurements on real tissue where the scattering coefficient is generally a function of position. Reported values for the scattering coefficient of biological tissue are in the range10 . We present results on samples having scattering coefficients up to thus lying within the range of realistic values for tissue scattering coefficients. 2.ModelThe previous letter20 gives a description of the model used to determine the diffusion coefficient of a dye which diffuses into a gel. We showed that the logarithm of the interference signal envelope, recorded at wavelength , can be expressed as a function of the depth- and time-resolved attenuation coefficient of the gel-dye sample, : The envelope, , is proportional to the field of the light back-scattered from geometrical depth in the sample.21 Since the field is the square root of the intensity, the field attenuation coefficient is the intensity-based attenuation coefficient while the factor 2 arises from double-pass of the light which probes the sample. is a constant which depends on the intensity of the incident light in the interfero-meter and gain factors in the detection system, is the average field reflectivity of the sample, is the total attenuation coefficient of the Intralipid-containing agar gel, is the extinction coefficient of the absorbing dye, and is the depth- and time-dependent dye concentration. In Eq. 1 we assume that the Intralipid-containing agar gel has negligible absorption compared to scattering, and that the dye has negligible scattering compared to absorption. The scattering coefficient of a sample is related to its field reflectivity through the relation22 When and thus is constant or slowly varying as a function of depth, the first term in Eq. 1 can be approximated by a constant. This approximation is used throughout the present work, and we define .For the case where dye is distributed evenly on the surface of the gel at time , over an area much larger than the diameter of the probing light beam, a good approximation for the dye concentration as a function of depth and time, is given by the one-dimensional delta-source solution of the diffusion equation for a semi-infinite medium:23 where is the total mass of dye deposited on the top surface area of the gel.Equations 1, 3 constitute the model which we use for the interferometer signal. Measurements are carried out at two wavelengths where one is absorbed by the dye, and the other is not affected by the dye. An estimate of the diffusion coefficient, , is determined by fitting of the model of Eqs. 1, 3 to experimental data obtained at using , , and as fitting parameters. In order to carry out the parameter fitting an estimate of the scattering coefficient at is required. In the present work we use two approaches to estimating the scattering coefficient. The first approach assumes a constant scattering coefficient, while the second approach can be used for samples having a scattering coefficient which varies slowly as a function of sample position. Both methods are based on a single-scattering model of the LCI signal first used for estimating optical properties by Schmitt and Knüttel.10 For samples where the LCI signal also is influenced by multiple scattering, the simple single-scattering model must be replaced by more advanced models taking the effect of multiple scattering into account.21, 24, 25 When is unaffected by the dye, Eq. 1 is reduced to which in the case of constant scattering is further simplified toIn this case linear regression on the logarithm of the recorded envelope can be used to find an estimate of the scattering coefficient of the gel, .In tissue, the scattering coefficient is generally a function of position, and more complicated procedures must be used to estimate the scattering properties. In the present work we limit the study to samples having a slowly varying depth-dependent scattering. In this case, one approach to obtaining a depth-resolved estimate of the scattering coefficient is by spatially filtering and differentiating the logarithm of the recorded envelope:9 Spatial filtering is necessary in order to reduce the large uncertainty in a depth-resolved estimate of the attenuation coefficient due to inherent speckle noise in an LCI signal. Following the approach of Ref. 9, we carry out the filtering by convolving the envelope with a filter function . The full width at half maximum of the filter function is denoted and determines the spatial resolution of the depth-resolved attenuation-coefficient estimator. The symbol ⊗ denotes the convolution operation and the hat over the scattering coefficient indicates that it is an estimated value. Throughout this paper a Gaussian function truncated at , where is the standard deviation of the Gaussian function, is used for the filter function. The Gaussian is a common filter function due to its lack of side lobes both in the position and spatial-frequency planes. Truncating it introduces some side lobes in the frequency plane but provides strict control over which parts of the filtered data that are influenced by edge effects. The properties and limitations of the attenuation coefficient estimator in Eq. 6, including its variance, is thoroughly discussed in Ref. 9.Once the depth-resolved scattering coefficient at is determined, the scattering coefficient at can be estimated. In this paper we use a simple but realistic model of the scattering properties, assuming that there is a constant relationship between the scattering coefficient at the two wavelengths independent of Intralipid concentration and the presence of dye in the gel. Following a standard approach used by several authors,26, 27 we assume that there is a constant ratio between the scattering coefficient at the two wavelengths. We denote the ratio between the two scattering coefficients : For samples having a more complicated relation between the scattering coefficient at the two wavelengths, more sophisticated approaches to separating the effects of scattering and absorption is required. Recently Yang 28 proposed a novel method based on spectral triangulation for determining the absorption properties in a scattering sample without any a priori knowledge of wavelength dependence of the scattering properties. This is achieved by using a third wavelength, and assuming a linear, but unknown, relationship between scattering at the three wavelengths. Another novel method for separating absorption from scattering was presented by Xu 15 They analyzed the spectrum of an OCT signal recorded using a broad-bandwidth source as a function of depth and separated the spectrum change due to absorption and scattering using a least squares fitting algorithm.The model for the LCI signal from a sample containing a diffusing dye described above assumes that the diffusion coefficient does not vary as a function of position in the sample. It should be possible to extend the model in order to include variations in the diffusion coefficient as a function of the sample scattering, but this is beyond the scope of the present study and requires more knowledge about dye diffusion in agar gel and the effect of Intralipid on the diffusion properties. 3.Experimental SetupFor the measurements, we use a bulk Michelson interfero-meter, as shown in Fig. 1 . Light from two pigtailed superluminescent diodes from Superlum Diodes is multiplexed in a fiber coupler before it is launched into the free-space interferometer through a collimating lens. According to data from the manufacturer, the diodes have center wavelengths 675 and , and spectral FWHMs 10 and , respectively. We have measured the coherence lengths in air to be for the source and for the source. The coherence lengths in a sample are found by dividing the coherence lengths in air by the group refractive index of the sample. These coherence lengths correspond to spectral FWHM 11 and for the 675- and source, respectively, assuming Gaussian spectra. The power at the interferometer input was measured to 0.4 and for the 675- and source, respectively. The light is focused into the sample by a focusing lens having focal length (Melles Griot 06GLC003). An identical lens is used in front of the reference mirror in order to match dispersion in the two interferometer arms. We use focus tracking29 to ensure that the focus of the probing beam overlaps with the coherence volume of the interferometer. The focusing lens is scanned along with the reference mirror using lens velocity , where is the velocity of the reference mirror and is the group refractive index of the sample. Linear translation stages are used for scanning of the focusing lens and reference mirror. Between each A-scan the sample was displaced transversally using a third linear translation stage. For all the experiments presented, the reference-mirror scanning velocity was and the transversal distance between each A-scan was . Demultiplexing is carried out using a ruled gold grating, and the envelope of the interferometer signal is recorded simultaneously at both wavelengths. The system has a dynamic range of . Table 1Overview of the measurement results. 4.Tissue PhantomsWe have studied diffusion of aluminum phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate chloride dye (AlPcS834, Porphyrin Products, Inc.) in 1.5% agar gel containing various amounts of scattering Intralipid. The dye has molecular weight . It has high solubility in water and is thus not expected to be present in the IL phase of the samples. Using a commercial absorption spectrometer (Agilent 8452 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer), we measured the dye extinction coefficient at to be , about three orders of magnitude larger than at . Thus with and , the equations in Sec. 2 are valid. Prior to the diffusion measurements, initial LCI measurements were carried out at both wavelengths on agar gels having different concentrations of Intralipid and no absorbing dye. The scattering coefficient of the agar-IL samples was determined using linear regression on the logarithm of the recorded interferometer envelope. Based on these initial measurements the value of , defined in Eq. 7, was found to be over a wide range of Intralipid concentrations. 5.Experimental MethodAgar-gel samples having Intralipid concentrations and were prepared in -deep cylindrical cuvettes having inner diameter . In this first demonstration of diffusion measurements on scattering samples, we wanted to limit the variation in the scattering coefficient and chose to prepare samples having only two different predefined Intralipid concentrations. A concentration of in agar gel resulted in a scattering coefficient of , and we found this to be the highest practical scattering coefficient for the given dynamic range of our system. For convenience we prepared a stock solution of dissolved dye having a concentration of . Using a micro pipette of the stock solution was deposited onto the gel, distributing the solution as evenly as possible. Details on the choice of amount of deposited dye is given below. For each agar-IL sample, the dye was deposited after sample preparation. After depositing the dye, the cuvette was covered with a glass slide, and placed in the sample arm of the interferometer. The LCI envelope was recorded as a function of depth and time at both wavelengths. For each sample, measurement started immediately after deposition of the dye, acquiring a series of 40 A-scans over a time period of about . The sample was displaced transversally between each A-scan in order to obtain A-scans having decorrelated speckles, and thus enable speckle averaging. To study the time development due to diffusion, data series at the same transversal positions on the sample were also acquired at three later time points. Thus, a total of four data series were recorded during after dye-deposition for each of the agar samples. The depth information was converted from optical depth to geometrical depth, , using for the refractive index. At back-scattering just underneath the surface of the Intralipid-containing agar gel gives an LCI signal about above the instrument noise level. The signal decreases due to scattering and absorption as we probe into the sample. For the model in Eqs. 1, 3 to be valid, care must be taken that the signal is well above the noise level of the instrument throughout the probing depth. The amount of dye deposited on the sample surface and the amount of scattering thus limits the maximum probing depth. When designing the experiments, we determined the approximate maximum probing depth for each level of sample scattering by finding the depth where signal reduction due to scattering alone was approximately compared to the signal level at the sample surface. By trial we then determined the amount of deposited dye that would reduce the signal further due to absorption to about above the noise level at the maximum probing depth. Following this procedure signal reductions due to scattering and absorption were about equal. 6.Experimental Results and DiscussionDepth- and time-resolved data sets were recorded from diffusion measurements using 19 samples having an Intralipid concentration of , and 8 samples having following the procedure outlined above. The diffusion measurements are time consuming, and the series of measurements on 0.30%-IL samples was terminated after 8 parallel samples were measured. The difference in number of samples is taken into account in the statistical analysis of the experimental results. Figure 2 shows gray-scale images of the logarithm of the LCI envelope from one of the -samples recorded at both wavelengths and plotted as a function of geometrical depth and time. In the plot and correspond to and in Eq. 3. The black areas in the images correspond to time periods in which no data was acquired. In the image recorded at the average envelope is constant as a function of time whereas the image recorded at shows a time development: Shortly after dye deposition the backscattered intensity falls rapidly as a function of imaging depth due to a high dye concentration near the glass-gel interface. Later, diffusion of the dye into the gel results in lower concentration levels and a slower decrease in backscattered intensity with depth. Data in each of the four series were averaged transversally, resulting in depth-resolved speckle-averaged envelopes recorded at four different times for each of the two wavelengths. In order to obtain an estimate of the diffusion coefficient, the model in Eqs. 1, 3 was fitted to the logarithm of the speckle-averaged LCI envelope at , with , , and as fitting parameters, using a least-squares algorithm. The data recorded at was used to find an estimate of the sample scattering coefficient prior to fitting. As described in Sec. 2, we used two approaches for estimating the scattering coefficient, and parameter fitting was carried out using both approaches for all recorded data sets. For the first approach we assumed constant scattering as a function of depth, and used linear regression on the logarithm of the averaged envelope recorded at , to obtain an estimate of the gel-IL scattering coefficient, , as described in relation to Eq. 5. Using Eq. 7 we thus found an estimate of , the scattering coefficient at , and used this value as a constant parameter in Eq. 1. We denote this the constant-scattering approach. In the second approach, which we denote the function-of-depth approach, we allow depth-dependent scattering and use Eqs. 6, 7 to find a depth-resolved estimate of the scattering coefficient at which then is used in Eq. 1. Since the samples in the present work are relatively homogeneous, we expect similar values for the diffusion coefficient for the two approaches. 6.1.Assuming Constant ScatteringFigure 3 shows speckle-averaged LCI envelopes from two typical data sets recorded at both wavelengths on samples prepared using the two different predefined Intralipid concentrations. The constant-scattering approach to estimating the scattering coefficient was used, and a value for the scattering coefficient at was obtained from the slope of the regression line of the logarithm of the envelope recorded at . Both the regression lines and the logarithm of the envelope are plotted in the figure. For each sample we used the average of the scattering coefficient obtained from all four data series as an estimate for . Model fitting was carried out on the data set recorded at using the constant value for , obtained from for each sample. Figure 3 shows the fitted model for the LCI signal at as well as experimental data. For both IL concentrations there is good agreement between experimental data and the fitted model. Results from samples having and samples having are summarized in Table 1 . Also presented in the table are 95% confidence intervals for the diffusion coefficient based on results from the two series. For the constant-scattering approach we obtain 95% confidence intervals of and for samples having and , respectively. These two mean values are statistically different down to a 1.8% significance level. Combining the results from the two series of sample IL concentrations we obtain as the mean value and standard deviation of the diffusion coefficient. At a 5% significance level this result is not statistically different from the result presented in our previous letter20 obtained from measurements on agar without Intralipid, and thus having very low scattering. 6.2.Allowing Depth-dependent ScatteringAs a first step toward using the method presented in this paper for estimating the diffusion coefficient of a dye diffusing in a sample having unknown, and possibly spatially varying, scattering, we used the function-of-depth approach described in Sec. 5 on the relatively homogeneous agar-IL samples. Prior to the diffusion measurements we suspected that there could be local variations in the scattering coefficient of the samples due to a nonperfect distribution of Intralipid in the agar gel. The objective of this analysis was to test the feasibility of the function-of-depth approach to estimating the scattering properties, thus allowing local variations in scattering properties. Figures 4 and 5 show the same experimental data as Fig. 3. In Fig. 6 the experimental data at is omitted from the figure for clarity. All three figures show the fitted model for the LCI signal at where is determined from the depth-resolved estimate of obtained using Eq. 6. In Figs. 4, 5, 6 filter lengths of , 20, and , respectively, are used in estimating the depth-resolved scattering coefficients. For each of the speckle-averaged envelopes at the depth-resolved scattering coefficient obtained from the speckle-averaged depth scan at the corresponding time point recorded at was used in Eq. 1. For (Fig. 4) there is a good fit between the model and experimental data at . The model follows some of the slow variations in the experimental data as a function of depth. This indicates that the agar-IL samples may have local variations in the scattering coefficient and that the function-of-depth approach is able to recognize these. It also indicates that the model of Eqs. 1, 3 tolerates slow variations in the scattering coefficient of the samples under study. Average numerical results obtained from parameter fitting for all samples are summarized in Table 1. The average mean square errors (MSE) per sample point for all the samples, analyzed with , are and for samples having and , respectively. These are about the same values as those obtained using the constant-scattering approach. Reducing the filter width to (Fig. 5) and (Fig. 6) results in a fitted model that more and more resembles experimental data. Some of the local variations in the experimental data may seem to be reproduced by the model for both of these short filter lengths, and thus might be due to local variations in the scattering coefficient, but this may be coincidental. The MSE increases as the filter length decreases and is approximately doubled at compared to . Table 1 shows that the average values for the diffusion coefficient using the function-of-depth approach are 20–30% higher than the values obtained using the constant-scattering approach. However, the differences between average diffusion coefficient values within the function-of-depth approach are less than 10% for the three filter widths. These results show that the function-of-depth approach is robust to changes in filter width when it comes to modeling the interference signal. Since the depth resolution in LCI equals the coherence length, it is reasonable to choose the filter length equal to the coherence length, which for is in the sample. When increasing the filter length beyond we have found that the standard deviation, , in the estimated diffusion coefficient increases with the filter length. We believe this to be a result of the decrease in the depth interval used for model fitting due to the filter-width increase rather than the increase in itself. In order to obtain an accurate determination of , the effect of diffusion of the dye, i.e., the time development of the speckle-averaged LCI envelope, must be visible in the measurements. When the depth dependency of the averaged envelopes is dominated by scattering in the depth interval used for parameter fitting, we expect a lower accuracy in determining than when dye absorption dominates the signal. This assumption is supported by the above-mentioned increase in and also by the difference in between the two concentration series. We see that the standard deviation is 2–3 times higher within the results from the series compared to the series. When we designed the experiments, our emphasis was on ensuring that the absorption and scattering contributed equally to the decrease in signal level at the maximum probing depth compared to the signal just below the sample surface. The probing depth was determined as the depth where scattering reduced the signal, in decibels, to about half of the dynamic range. This resulted in the same amount of dye being deposited for both IL-concentration series and thus the same absorption coefficient. The ratio of the scattering coefficient to the absorption coefficient is thus doubled from the series to the series. This may explain the larger for the latter series compared to the former. It is worth noting that the increase in diffusion coefficient with Intralipid concentration which was commented in Sec. 6.1 is also seen when the data are analyzed using the function-of-depth approach. At the present time we do not understand the cause of this increase. Further studies of this effect should be carried out, but it is beyond the scope of the present paper. 7.ConclusionThe present work has demonstrated how the diffusion coefficient of a dye diffusing into a gel having unknown scattering properties may be determined using dual-wavelength LCI measurements. The method is based on simultaneous measurements at the two probing wavelengths where one is unaffected by the presence of the dye, and the other strongly absorbed by the dye. The diffusion coefficient, , is determined by fitting a mathematical model of the LCI envelope to the envelope recorded at the wavelength absorbed by the diffusing dye, using as one of the fitting parameters. Measurement at the other wavelength, which is unaffected by the dye, is used for estimating the scattering coefficient at the absorbed wavelength. Two approaches to estimating the scattering properties, the constant-scattering approach and the function-of-depth approach, were tested. The first approach assumes homogeneous scattering properties while the second also can handle slow variations in scattering properties as a function of depth using a depth-resolved attenuation coefficient estimator previously presented by Støren 9 As expected, the two approaches gave similar estimates of the diffusion coefficient for the samples used in the present work, namely agar gel having various concentrations of Intralipid added to increase scattering. The numerical value of the estimated diffusion coefficient was also found to be in reasonable agreement with a previously published value obtained from measurements on agar without Intralipid. The numerical values for the average diffusion coefficient determined from measurements on samples having two different Intralipid concentrations and using the two approaches to determine the scattering coefficient were in the interval . The estimate of obtained using the function-of-depth approach to determine sample scattering was, for these relatively homogeneous samples, found to be robust to changes in filter length in the attenuation coefficient estimator. Spatial filtering is required when estimating the scattering coefficient based on LCI measurements due to inherent speckle noise in the measurements, and limits spatial resolution in the depth-resolved estimate of the scattering coefficient. Filter lengths as short as 15% of the coherence length in the samples were tested, and no significant deviations from the value of obtained using longer filter lengths were found. A reasonable choice of filter length is thus , since limits spatial resolution in an LCI measurement. We expect the method to give reliable results also for samples having depth-dependent scattering, as long as the diffusion coefficient is relatively independent of scattering. 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