Open Access
1 July 1996 Numerical verification of time-domain moment method in ultrasound tomography
Yue Joseph Wang, Joel M. Morris
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In ultrasound tomography the time-domain moment method is very promising in that it has been shown to yield a close agreement between the time-spatial moment expansion and the true field representation. This paper introduces a numerical technique to compute the analytical solution for forward scattering by using a Bessel function series and the inverse discrete Fourier transform, and shows that the artifacts that occur are due to convolution aliasing and undersampling aliasing. Computer simulation has reconstructed these two types of aliasing separately, and has shown that they can be removed by a properly designed algorithm. This alias-free numerical solution is used to verify Cavicchi’s moment-method formulation. A significant improvement in numerical verification is then obtained.
Yue Joseph Wang and Joel M. Morris "Numerical verification of time-domain moment method in ultrasound tomography," Journal of Biomedical Optics 1(3), (1 July 1996).
Published: 1 July 1996
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Ultrasound tomography

Bessel functions

Computer simulations

Digital filtering

Reconstruction algorithms


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