1.IntroductionIn the past decade, with the ongoing development of various satellite sensors, a large volume of high-resolution remote sensing image data have become available. These high-resolution remote sensing images are generally rich in spatial arrangement information and textural structures, which are of great help in recognizing different land-use scene categories. Nevertheless, the high-resolution remote sensing images introduce new challenges in smart image interpretation. In the past few years, there has been an intense research of remote sensing scene classification, with the focus on both the use of appropriate image descriptors and the appropriate classification task.1–17 Bag-of-visual-words (BOVW) is one of the representative models in the field of image analysis and classification. The BOVW model represents an image as an orderless collection of local features (SIFT, HOG, etc.) extracted from a collection of images. The basic version of BOVW, however, neglects information on the spatial distribution of visual words. Hence, there have been several efforts in the literature to overcome the weakness. The BOVW model incorporating the spatial information of scene images has been successfully applied to remote sensing land-use scene classification and has exhibited good performance.5 The spatial pyramid match kernel18 is one approach to tackle the lack of spatial information. It consists of repeatedly subdividing the image and computing histograms of local features at increasingly fine resolutions. However, all the above-mentioned approaches are based on manually designed features, which heavily depend on the experience and domain knowledge of experts. Moreover, such features cannot adequately represent the complex image structures. This is mainly due to the lack of consideration for the details of remote sensing data. In 2006, a breakthrough in deep feature learning was made by Hinton and Salakhutdinov.19 Since then, the aim of researchers has been to replace hand-engineered features with trainable multilayer networks and an amount of deep learning models have shown impressive feature representation capability for a wide range of applications including remote sensing image scene classification.20 A number of recent works6–10,21–24 show that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) pretrained on such large datasets have been shown to contain general-purpose feature extractors, transferrable to many other domains with a limited amount of training data. Employing the pretrained CNNs and fine-tuning them on the scene datasets, Penatti et al. experimentally evaluated ConvNets, showing impressive classification performance.8 Marmanis et al. investigated the potential of using large pretrained neural networks for land-use classification and showed promising results on a public remotely sensed scene dataset.7 Castelluccio et al. explored three design modalities of CNN for the semantic classification of remote sensing scenes and achieved a significant performance improvement.10 However, general-purpose features extracted from CNNs pretrained on such a large dataset contain redundant information, which limits their performance for classification and robustness of highly variable land-use scenes. In recent years, most works mainly focus on the pooling scheme of deep learning. This MOP-CNN (multiscale orderless pooling)22 extracts deep features from local patches at multiple scale, performs orderless VLAD encoding of these local patch activations at each level separately, and concatenates the result to form a new image representation. Cimpoi et al. proposed FV-CNN (Fisher vector pooling of a convolutional neural network),23 which built on the fully connected layers of CNN form an orderless representation by fisher vector. Motivated by previous work on spatial and feature space pooling of local descriptors,11,22,23,25 we develop a simple but effective framework for land-use scene recognition, which we refer to as locality-constrained affine subspace coding (LASC) pooling (LASC-CNN). This method builds universal image representations from CNN models with no training phase or use of labels. It first extracts the deep convolutional activations of an input multiscale image by an ImageNet pretrained networks. These deep activations are then encoded into a new high dimensional feature representation by overlaying a spatial pyramid partition. Then, a new feature representation is encoded via LASC forms the final image-level representation. The LASC, which can describe manifolds of high dimensional deep features by an ensemble of subspace attached to affine subspace, can obtain a more discriminative scene representation, and may exhibit better performance, as is commonly done in the BOVW approaches.5 The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes details of LASC-CNN methodology. The problem of multiscale deep feature extraction is then discussed in Sec. 2. Section 3 provides extensive experiments and analysis on the effectiveness of using our method. A conclusion is drawn in Sec. 4. 2.Description of the Proposed MethodThe flowchart of the proposed method is shown in Fig. 1. The idea is to regard the convolutional layers of a CNN as a filter bank and build an orderless representation using LASC as a pooling mechanism, as is commonly done in the bag-of-words approaches. In the following sections, we respectively present the multiscale deep feature extraction method and the LASC-CNN algorithm in detail. 2.1.Multiscale Deep Feature ExtractionThe CNN is a trainable multilayer architecture composed of multiple feature-extraction stages, each comprising both linear and nonlinear operators, which are learnt jointly, in an end-to-end manner, to solve specific tasks.6,23 Specifically, a typical CNN is commonly made up of four layers: (1) convolutional layer, (2) normalization layer, (3) pooling layer, and (4) fully connected layer. In actual CNNs, each layer comprises various sublayers of neurons operating in parallel on the previous layer, so as to extract a number of features at once, like a bank of filter does. Every filter is small spatially (along width and height), but extends through the full depth of the input image. A pretrained network can be used as a feature extractor for any image, since the generic features (learned in earlier layers) are less dependent on the final application and could be used in a myriad of tasks. Recent advances in convolution layer features11,24 are adapted to remote sensing data and shown to be as effective as in other domains. The adoption of convolution layer features to replace the full connection layer features has the following advantages. The first one is that features from convolutional layers are more generic than those from fully connected layers,23 and thus these features may be more suitable for transfer learning. In addition, convolutional layer features contain more spatial information, which offers advantages for image classification, as compared to the activation of fully connected layers.21 Furthermore, scale variation, which requires considering multiscale contextual and structural information in spatial domain, is quite common for objects detection in remote sensing images (e.g., roofs with different sizes). A second advantage is that the input to the CNN has to be of fixed size to be compatible with the fully connected layers, which requires an expensive resizing of the input image. The feature map of top convolutional layers is known to contain mid- and high-level information, e.g., object parts or complete objects.24 These deep descriptors contain more spatial information compared to the activation of the fully connected layers. The fully connected layers require a fixed image size (e.g., ). On the contrary, convolutional layers accept input images of arbitrary resolution or aspect ratio. In addition, convolutional layer features contain more spatial information than fully connected layers. In this work, we take the output of the convolutional layers (before the fully connected layer) to represent the training and test images. The objects of interest generally have different scales in different remotely sensed scenes, and even a single scene may contain objects with different sizes. Accordingly, a multiscale spatial feature extraction technique is proposed for improving classification accuracy. However, most of the CNNs require a fixed input image size. Therefore, it is difficult to extract multiscale deep features simultaneously from one network. The spatial pyramid pooling (SPP)-net method21 adds a spatial pyramid pooling layer to deep nets, which allows us to feed images with varying sizes or scales during training. To explore multiscale deep features, we propose to adopt an SPP-net based framework to learn spatial features across different scales. Instead of relying on a fixed observation scale, a series of images at different observation scales are fed into the entire network for extracting multiscale features. Then, we use LASC to pool activations from a fully convolutional network. We can form a spatial pyramid26,27 by partitioning the cells of activations in the last convolutional layer into subregions and then pool deep descriptors in each region separately using LASC. Following Ref. 12, the spatial pyramid matching (SPM) structure as shown in Fig. 2 is employed for all the experiments. The level 0 simply aggregates all cells using LASC. The level 1, however, splits the cells into five regions according to their spatial locations: the four quadrants and one centerpiece. Then, five LASCs are generated from activations inside each spatial region. The level 2 splits the cells into 25 regions. Then, 25 LASCs are generated from activations inside each spatial region. The output of the spatial pyramid is realized by concatenating all 32 (25 + 6 + 1) LASCs from level 0 to level 2 to form the final image representation. 2.2.LASC-CNNThe deep CNN descriptors extracted from an image via a pretrained CNN model can be directly used to measure the scene similarity of a pair of images. However, as deep CNN descriptors are of high dimensionality and contain redundant information, we can encode the feature to obtain a more compact and discriminative representation, as pointed out in Refs. 22 and 23. The LASC-CNN descriptor is related to the FV-CNN proposed by Cimpoi et al. We need to pool the multiscale deep feature representation by LASC. Recently, Li et al. proposed a feature encoding method called LASC.25 Taking into account the geometric subspace structure surrounding each visual word, the LASC algorithm characterizes the data manifold by an ensemble of subspaces attached to the representative points, resulting in a favorable classification performance in publicly available datasets. Let be an input feature to be encoded, indicates the ’th central representative point, is an matrix consisting of orthogonal basis of the linear subspace, and are the linear approximate coefficients. The LASC is formulated as the following objective function: Here, is a regularization parameter, indicates the distance between and its ’th subspace determined by the proximity measure function, and is the neighbor region of defined by its closest subspaces, where indicates the Euclidean distance. The method performs descriptor encoding only in a few most neighboring subspaces. We segment the deep feature space by the -means algorithm to obtain mean vector () of clusters. Then, we employ PCA to preserve the most significant principal directions () with larger variances. can be regarded as the orthogonal projection of in the subspaces. Thus, the objective function Eq. (1) can be a simple form as Following Ref. 25, for multiscale deep features, we find its top- nearest affine subspaces and perform linear decomposition in these subspaces weighted by the proximity measure. We produce the first-order (linear) and second-order LASC vector of the descriptor . In the first step, we feed multiscale images into a pretrained CNN model to extract deep activations. Then, a visual dictionary is trained on the deep descriptors from training images. The third step overlays a spatial pyramid partition to the deep activations of an image, pools deep descriptors in each region separately using LASC, and then concatenates these regions feature to form the multiscale deep feature representation. Finally, using a support vector machine (SVM) as a classifier for land-use scene classification. The LASC-CNN method is summarized in Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1The LASC-CNN method.
3.ExperimentsUsing two remote-sensing datasets, we carried out a number of experiments to assess the performance of the proposed approach in comparison with state-of-the-art results. The well-known UC Merced Land Use dataset5 (UCMerced for short28), includes aerial optical images, with lowlevel characteristics similar to those of the Imagenet. In recent years, many researchers have used this dataset, allowing for an extensive comparison of results with the literature. All deep learning models are required to be trained on large training datasets with abundant and diverse images to avoid overfitting. The NWPU-RESISC4529 is created by Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU30 is a large-scale dataset with big image variations and diversity). Since it has been published very recently, limited results are available, including results with CNNs. In the next two sections, we discuss results separately for the two datasets. All experiments have been carried out on a notebook equipped with an NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB GPU. In feature vector modality, only the last fully connected layer is trained. In the LASC method, as this was empirically shown, the number of nearest subspaces , subspace dimension , regularization parameter , we normalize the first-order and second-order subvectors separately per subspace by norm. Following Ref. 25, too small parameters (number of nearest subspaces, subspace dimension) are insufficient to describe the structure of the subspace, while much larger ones give little benefit. 3.1.UCMerced Land Use Dataset3.1.1.Dataset description and experimental setupThis dataset contains land-use aerial orthoimagery from 21 classes: agricultural, airplane, baseball diamond, beach, buildings, chaparral, dense residential, forest, freeway, golfcourse, harbor, intersection, medium density residential, mobile home park, overpass, parking lot, river, runway, sparseresidential, storage tanks, and tennis courts. Each class contains 100 images, which are cropped to . This is a challenging dataset due to a variety of spatial patterns in those 21 classes. The dataset represents highly overlapping classes such as the dense residential, medium residential, and sparse residential, which mainly differs in the density of structures. Sample images of each land-use class are shown in Fig. 3. In each experiment, besides the original scale, the images are warped into three different scales, including , , and . We choose to be consistent with the input scale of the pretrained CaffeNet. The VGGNet-16 model, which was pretrained on ImageNet dataset, is available in a Github repository: https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/wiki/Model-Zoo for deep CNN feature extraction. The dataset is randomly divided into two sets: the training set and the testing set. For the pixels in each convolutional layer, -means clustering is employed to form the visual codebook with 300 code words. The encoded deep features by LASC are then fed into SVM classifiers with histogram intersection kernels, which are implemented using the LIBSVM package,31 and one-against-one strategy is adopted to address the multiclass issue. The testing set is used to evaluate the performance of classifiers. In order to reduce the effect of random selection, we repeat each algorithm execution on 10 different training/testing splits of the dataset and report means and standard deviations of the obtained accuracies. We randomly select samples of each class for training the SVM classifier and the rest for testing, following the same sampling setting as Ref. 5 for the datasets: 80 training samples per class for the UCMerced dataset. 3.1.2.Different CNN feature codingWe focus on testing different CNN feature coding discriminative powers. To make a sufficient comparison, LASC-CNN is compared with two other descriptors: (1) MOP-CNN and (2) FV-CNN. To generate codewords, we use the standard -means clustering algorithm for all coding methods. Except for Fisher coding wherein the GMM is applied. We choose to be consistent with the input scale of the pretraining CaffeNet for all coding methods. Experimental results are shown in Table 1. From Table 1, we can see that LASC-CNN achieves good performance for remote sensing scene classification. Table 1Comparison of classification accuracy with different CNN feature coding on the UCMerced dataset.
3.1.3.Comparison with state-of-the-art methodsSeveral approaches have been proposed recently for remote sensing scene classification, and most of them have been tested on the UCMerced dataset, following the same experimental protocol, with fivefold cross-validation. Therefore, there is plenty of data available for a solid comparison with the state-of-the-art. In Table 2, we report the overall accuracies for all these comparable methods, as they appear in the original papers, together with the accuracy of our best CNN solution. Table 2Comparison of classification accuracy with the state-of-the-art methods on the UCMerced dataset.
An overview of the performance of multiscale LASC-CNN is shown in the confusion matrix in Fig. 4. There is some confusion between dense residential and medium residential. This can be explained by the fact that the pairs of classes have similar spectral or structural features, such as both dense residential and medium residential. Therefore, more work needs to be done with regard to the use of the structural feature in the future. 3.2.NWPU-RESISC45 Dataset3.2.1.Dataset description and experimental setupThe NWPU-RESISC45 dataset consists of 31,500 remote sensing images divided into 45 scene classes. Each class includes 700 images with a size of in the red green blue (RGB) color space. The spatial resolution varies from about 30 to 0.2 m per pixel for most of the scene classes except for the classes of island, lake, mountain, and snowberg that have lower spatial resolutions. These 45 scene classes are as follows: airplane, airport, baseball diamond, basketball, court, beach, bridge, chaparral, church, circular farmland, cloud, commercial area, dense residential, desert, forest, freeway, golfcourse, ground track field, harbor, industrial area, intersection, island, lake, meadow, medium residential, mobile home park, mountain, overpass, palace, parking lot, railway, railway station, rectangular farmland, river, roundabout, runway, sea ice, ship, snowberg, sparse residential, stadium, storage tank, tennis court, terrace, thermal power station, and wetland. Sample images of each land-use class are shown in Fig. 5. 3.2.2.Different CNN feature codingTo make a comprehensive evaluation, two training-test ratios are considered. (i) 10% to 90%: the dataset was randomly split into 10% for training and 90% for testing (70 training samples and 630 testing samples per class). (ii) 20% to 80%: the dataset was randomly divided into 20% for training and 80% for testing (140 training samples and 560 testing samples per class). Experimental results are shown in Table 3. Table 3 demonstrates the classification accuracies of different feature coding from each class and input pixels. Same as the results on the UCMerced Land Use dataset, LASC-CNN achieves superior performance compared to the other feature coding method. Table 3Comparison of classification accuracy with different CNN feature coding on the NWPU-RESISC45 dataset.
3.2.3.Comparison with state-of-the-art methodsIn order to comprehensively analyze the superiority of the proposed method, we compare it with the three state-of-the-art approaches ever tested on this dataset, including LBP,29 BoVW + SPM,29 and CNN.29 Table 4 reports the classification accuracies achieved by different methods with five training samples from each class. All of the LASC-CNN models are better than the best state-of-the-art methods CNN, and the multiscale LASC-CNN can further increase the accuracy as compared to the single-scale models. In this paper, we mainly discuss the different encoding methods for deep features extracted from pretrained CNN. Certainly, by fine-tuning an off-the-shelf CNN model, the accuracy was further boosted by at least 6% points.29 However, in comparison, fine-tuning the off-the-shelf CNN model is more time consuming and also requires a certain amount of data to train the deep network. Table 4Comparison of classification accuracy (mean SD) with the state-of-the-art methods on the NWPU-RESISC45 dataset.
Figures 6 and 7 show the confusion matrices of multiscale LASC-CNN under the training ratios of 10% and 20%, respectively. For multiscale LASC-CNN-based CNN features, the relatively big confusions happen between church and palace and dense residential and medium residential because of their similar spectral or structural features. As expected, a larger training ratio can induce an increased recognition rate because of the availability of more spatial information. This suggests that a potential way to classify more challenging image scenes may be deep learning-based methods in combination of remote sensing data and spatial technology. 4.ConclusionThis paper has presented a multiscale orderless pooling scheme that is built on top of convolutional layers. The pooling scheme is to regard the convolutional layers of a CNN as a filter bank and build an orderless representation using LASC as a pooling mechanism, as is commonly done in the bag-of-words approaches. On two very challenging datasets, we have achieved a substantial improvement over global CNN activations, in some cases outperforming the state-of-the-art. The experimental results indicate that effectively encoding convolutional layer features can generate a more powerful representation, and that multiscale input images can provide much more discriminative information as compared to single-scale ones. In the future, it is interesting to integrate into LASC-CNN by the computational visual attention model32 for remote sensing image retrieval. AcknowledgmentsThis work was partially funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61170200 and 61370091), the Key R&D Program of Jiangsu Province under Grant No. BE2015707, Non-profit science and technology research Program of MWR under Grant No. 201501022, and Water resources applications of the National High Resolution Earth Observation System (08-Y30B07-9001-13/15-01), Open Fund Project of Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Information Processing and Intelligent Control (Minjiang University) (No. MJUKF201740). ReferencesS. Liu, Z. Zhang and X. Mei,
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BiographyBaohua Yuan received his MS degree in computer science and technology from NanJing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, in 2005. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD in computer science and technology at HoHai University, Nanjing, China. He is the author of more than 20 journal papers and has written five book chapters. His current research interests include high-resolution remote sensing image understanding and image retrieval. Shijin Li received his MS and PhD degrees in computer science and technology from NanJing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China. Currently, he is a professor with the Department of Computer Science and Technology, HoHai University. He is the author of more than 50 journal papers. His current research interests include high-resolution remote sensing image understanding and computer vision. |