Open Access
19 June 2017 Using remotely sensed spectral reflectance to indicate leaf photosynthetic efficiency derived from active fluorescence measurements
Yi Peng, Aoli Zeng, Tinge Zhu, Shenghui Fang, Yan Gong, Yanqi Tao, Ying Zhou, Kan Liu
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Chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) is an important signature of photosynthesis to evaluate plant response to the environment. We explored an approach to estimate an important leaf ChlF-derived parameter, the intrinsic efficiency of photosystem II photochemistry ( F v / F m ), using spectral indices calculated from leaf reflectance measured by a hyperspectral radiometer. It is observed that leaf chlorophyll content closely related to F v / F m in nonstressed leaves, thus the indices developed for chlorophyll estimation were successfully used to estimate F v / F m . For leaves under short-term stress, F v / F m dropped dramatically while leaf chlorophyll content remained almost the same. Compared to leaf chlorophyll content, reflectance was more sensitive to F v / F m variations. As F v / F m decreased, the slope of reflectance in the spectrum range of 700 to 900 nm obviously increased, and the first derivative reflectance in the red edge and infrared (NIR) regions was highly correlated with
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Yi Peng, Aoli Zeng, Tinge Zhu, Shenghui Fang, Yan Gong, Yanqi Tao, Ying Zhou, and Kan Liu "Using remotely sensed spectral reflectance to indicate leaf photosynthetic efficiency derived from active fluorescence measurements," Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11(2), 026034 (19 June 2017).
Received: 4 January 2017; Accepted: 2 June 2017; Published: 19 June 2017 Logo
Cited by 20 scholarly publications.


Near infrared

Infrared radiation




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