13 March 2024 High power AlGaInP laser diodes at 626 nm
Felix Mauerhoff, Oktay Senel, Hans Wenzel, Andre Maassdorf, Jos Boschker, Johannes Glaab, Katrin Paschke, Günther Tränkle
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We successfully designed and fabricated semiconductor lasers emitting at 626 nm at room-temperature to improve research and scaling of 9Be+ ion qubits. The design is based on the calculation of the energy band structure by k·p theory for strained semiconductors, the vertically guided mode, and the modal gain in dependence of carrier density as well as threshold sheet densities and wavelengths. Promising designs are grown on three-inch wafers by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy for experimental investigations. Broad area lasers are used for evaluation of the laser performance.
Conference Presentation
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Felix Mauerhoff, Oktay Senel, Hans Wenzel, Andre Maassdorf, Jos Boschker, Johannes Glaab, Katrin Paschke, and Günther Tränkle "High power AlGaInP laser diodes at 626 nm", Proc. SPIE PC12905, Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XXIII, PC1290503 (13 March 2024);
Semiconductor lasers

Aluminium gallium indium phosphide

High power lasers

Design and modelling

Nonlinear frequency conversion

Quantum light

Quantum physics


High-power continuous array semiconductor laser
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