30 March 2016 Reconstruction of limited-angle dual-energy CT using mutual learning and cross-estimation (MLCE)
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Dual-energy CT (DECT) imaging has gained a lot of attenuation because of its capability to discriminate materials. We proposes a flexible DECT scan strategy which can be realized on a system with general X-ray sources and detectors. In order to lower dose and scanning time, our DECT acquires two projections data sets on two arcs of limited-angular coverage (one for each energy) respectively. Meanwhile, a certain number of rays from two data sets form conjugate sampling pairs. Our reconstruction method for such a DECT scan mainly tackles the consequent limited-angle problem. Using the idea of artificial neural network, we excavate the connection between projections at two different energies by constructing a relationship between the linear attenuation coefficient of the high energy and that of the low one. We use this relationship to cross-estimate missing projections and reconstruct attenuation images from an augmented data set including projections at views covered by itself (projections collected in scanning) and by the other energy (projections estimated) for each energy respectively. Validated by our numerical experiment on a dental phantom with rather complex structures, our DECT is effective in recovering small structures in severe limited-angle situations. This DECT scanning strategy can much broaden DECT design in reality.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Huayu Zhang and Yuxiang Xing "Reconstruction of limited-angle dual-energy CT using mutual learning and cross-estimation (MLCE)", Proc. SPIE 9783, Medical Imaging 2016: Physics of Medical Imaging, 978344 (30 March 2016); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications and 4 patents.
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Signal attenuation

Neural networks

Data acquisition


Reconstruction algorithms

Associative arrays


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