26 March 2015 The effect of the abdomen deformation on the longitudinal stability of flying insects
Sang-Yeon Choi, Joong-Kwan Kim, Jong-Seob Han, Jae-Hung Han
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In this paper, we derive longitudinal nonlinear equations of motion of a hovering insect with deformable abdomen to investigate the effect of the abdominal motion to the longitudinal dynamics. The blade-element theory, which is based on experimentally obtained aerodynamic coefficients, is used for the periodic force and moment excitation to the system. Here, we focus on the role of the deformable abdomen to investigate whether or not the flexible body is a decisive factor to the longitudinal flight dynamic stability. Three cases: 1) rigid connection between the thorax and abdomen, 2) flexible connection, and 3) active connection with a feedback control, are compared to check the role of the abdomen deformation on the longitudinal flight dynamic stability, by examining eigenvalues of the linearized system model of each case. The results show that an active control of the abdominal angle can stabilize the longitudinal flight dynamics of the insect modeled in this study.
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Sang-Yeon Choi, Joong-Kwan Kim, Jong-Seob Han, and Jae-Hung Han "The effect of the abdomen deformation on the longitudinal stability of flying insects", Proc. SPIE 9429, Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication 2015, 94291K (26 March 2015); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Motion models

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