9 March 2015 Micromachining of bio-absorbable stents with ultra-short pulse lasers
F. Hendricks, R. Patel, V. V. Matylitsky
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Since their introduction in 1986, stents have transformed the treatment of coronary heart disease and other arterial occlusions. Today, millions of stents are implanted worldwide each year to treat various vascular and endovascular diseases caused by the narrowing or blockage of blood vessels. Nearly all commercially available stents are made from metals. Theses stents remain in the vessels permanently after implantation and are prone to cause serious medical complications in many cases. One potential solution to avoid such complications is to use stents made out of bioabsorbable materials. Bio-absorbable stents dissolves in the human body after serving their purpose. However, machining of bio-absorbable material is a challenging task. In this paper the influence of the laser process parameters on the efficiency and quality of the machining of bio-absorbable materials using Spirit® femtosecond laser system from Spectra-Physics is presented.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
F. Hendricks, R. Patel, and V. V. Matylitsky "Micromachining of bio-absorbable stents with ultra-short pulse lasers", Proc. SPIE 9355, Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XV, 935502 (9 March 2015); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Laser cutting

Pulsed laser operation

Femtosecond phenomena


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Laser processing

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