24 June 2014 Hemispherical curved monolithic cooled and uncooled infrared focal plane arrays for compact cameras
Kevin Tekaya, Manuel Fendler, Delphine Dumas, Karim Inal, Elisabeth Massoni, Yann Gaeremynck, Guillaume Druart, David Henry
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InfraRed (IR) sensor systems like night vision goggles, missile approach warning systems and telescopes have an increasing interest in decreasing their size and weight. At the same time optical aberrations are always more difficult to optimize with larger Focal Plane Arrays (FPAs) and larger field of view. Both challenges can now take advantage of a new optical parameter thanks to flexible microelectronics technologies: the FPA spherical curvature. This bio-inspired approach can correct optical aberrations and reduce the number of lenses in camera conception. Firstly, a new process to curve thin monolithic devices has been applied to uncooled microbolometers FPAs. A functional 256×320 25μm pitch (roughly 1cm2) uncooled FPA has been thinned and curved. Its electrical response showed no degradation after our process (variation of less than 2.3% on the response). Then a two lenses camera with a curved FPA is designed and characterized in comparison with a two lenses camera with a flat FPA. Their Modulation Transfer Functions (MTFs) show clearly an improvement in terms of beams dispersion. Secondly, a new process to fabricate monolithic cooled flip-chip MCT-IRCMOS FPAs was developed leading to the first spherical cooled IR FPA: with a radius of 550 mm. Other radii are achieved. A standard opto-electrical characterization at 80 K of the imager shows no additional short circuit and no mean response alteration compared to a standard IRCMOS shown in reference. Noise is also studied with a black body between 20 and 30°C.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kevin Tekaya, Manuel Fendler, Delphine Dumas, Karim Inal, Elisabeth Massoni, Yann Gaeremynck, Guillaume Druart, and David Henry "Hemispherical curved monolithic cooled and uncooled infrared focal plane arrays for compact cameras", Proc. SPIE 9070, Infrared Technology and Applications XL, 90702T (24 June 2014); Logo
Cited by 7 scholarly publications and 3 patents.
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Infrared imaging

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Infrared cameras

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