20 February 2014 Mid infrared upconversion spectroscopy using diffuse reflectance
Nicolai Sanders, Louis Kehlet, Jeppe Seidelin Dam, Peter Tidemand-Lichtenberg, Pablo Beato, Christian Pedersen
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We present a novel approach for mid infrared (mid-IR) spectral analysis using upconversion technology applied in a diffuse reflectance setup. We demonstrate experimentally that mid-IR spectral features in the 2.6-4 μm range using different test samples (e.g. zeolites) can be obtained. The results are in good agreement with published data. We believe that the benefit of low noise upconversion methods combined with spectral analysis will provide an alternative approach to e.g. mid-IR Fourier Transform microscopy. We discuss in detail the experimental aspects of the proposed method. The upconversion unit consists of a PP:LN crystal situated as an intracavity component in a Nd:YVO4 laser. Mixing incoming spectrally and spatially incoherent light from the test sample with the high power intracavity beam of the Nd:YVO4 laser results in enhanced conversion efficiency. The upconverted light is spectrally located in the near infrared (NIR) wavelength region easily accessible for low noise Silicon CCD camera technology. Thus the room temperature upconversion unit and the Silicon CCD camera replaces noisy mid infrared detectors used in existing Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. We demonstrate specifically that upconversion methods can be deployed using a diffuse reflectance setup where the test sample is irradiated by a thermal light source, i.e. a globar. The diffuse reflectance geometry is particularly well suited when a transmission setup cannot be used. This situation may happen for highly scattering or absorbing samples.
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Nicolai Sanders, Louis Kehlet, Jeppe Seidelin Dam, Peter Tidemand-Lichtenberg, Pablo Beato, and Christian Pedersen "Mid infrared upconversion spectroscopy using diffuse reflectance", Proc. SPIE 8964, Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications XIII, 89641K (20 February 2014); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy


Reflectance spectroscopy


FT-IR spectroscopy



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