20 February 2014 Multispectral near-infrared imaging of composite restorations in extracted teeth
Cooper M. Logan, Katrina U. Co, William A. Fried, Jacob C. Simon, Michal Staninec, Daniel Fried, Cynthia L. Darling
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Proceedings Volume 8929, Lasers in Dentistry XX; 89290R (2014)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2014, San Francisco, California, United States
One major advantage of composite restoration materials is that they can be color matched to the tooth. However, this presents a challenge when composites fail and they need to be replaced. Dentists typically spend more time repairing and replacing composites than placing new restorations. Previous studies have shown that near-infrared imaging can be used to distinguish between sound enamel and decay due to the differences in light scattering. The purpose of this study was to use a similar approach and exploit differences in light scattering to attain high contrast between composite and tooth structure. Extracted human teeth with composites (n=16) were imaged in occlusal transmission mode at wavelengths of 1300-nm, 1460-nm and 1550-nm using an InGaAs image sensor with a tungsten halogen light source with spectral filters. All samples were also imaged in the visible range using a high definition 3D digital microscope. Our results indicate that NIR wavelengths at 1460-nm and 1550-nm, coincident with higher water absorption yield the highest contrast between dental composites and tooth structure.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Cooper M. Logan, Katrina U. Co, William A. Fried, Jacob C. Simon, Michal Staninec, Daniel Fried, and Cynthia L. Darling "Multispectral near-infrared imaging of composite restorations in extracted teeth", Proc. SPIE 8929, Lasers in Dentistry XX, 89290R (20 February 2014); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Near infrared


Multispectral imaging

Light scattering

Dental caries

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