27 October 2013 Salient region detection Using Wasserstein distance measure based on nonlinear scale space
Lei Zhu, Zhiguo Cao
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Proceedings Volume 8919, MIPPR 2013: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision; 89190A (2013)
Event: Eighth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2013, Wuhan, China
Many existing bottom-up saliency detection methods measure the multi-scale local prominence by building the Gaussian scale space. As a kind of linear scale space, it is a natural representation of human perception. However the Gaussian filtering does not respect the boundaries of proto-objects and smooth both noises and details. In this paper, we compute the pixel level center-surround difference in a nonlinear scale space which makes blurring locally adaptive to the image regions. The nonlinear scale space is built by a efficient evolution techniques and extended to represent color images. In contrast to some widely used region-based measures, we represent feature statistics by multivariate normal distributions and compare them with the Wasserstein distance on l2 norm (W2 distance). From the perspective of visual organization in imaging, many priors are proved to be efficient in global consideration. In order to further precisely locate the proper salient object, we also use the background prior as a global cue to refine the obtained local saliency map. The experimental results show that our approach outperforms 5 recent state of the art saliency detection methods in terms of precision and recall on a newly published benchmark.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lei Zhu and Zhiguo Cao "Salient region detection Using Wasserstein distance measure based on nonlinear scale space", Proc. SPIE 8919, MIPPR 2013: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, 89190A (27 October 2013);
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Distance measurement

Image segmentation

RGB color model

Statistical analysis

Binary data

Feature extraction

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