16 October 2013 Retrieval of solar-induced fluorescence spectral shape of oil slicks from the infilling of solar Fraunhofer lines
Valentina Raimondi, Lorenzo Palombi, Donatella Guzzi, David Lognoli, Vanni Nardino, Francesco Petroni, Ivan Pippi
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In this paper we present the spectral behavior of the Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) of a crude oil, retrieved from its radiance spectrum acquired in eight selected spectral windows of the visible spectrum from about 389 nm to 659 nm. Each spectral window was chosen to cover one or more solar Fraunhofer Lines (FL) so as to retrieve the in-filling due to the oil fluorescence contribution induced by the solar irradiance. The selected Fraunhofer lines were chosen within the solar lines rather than the telluric ones since the former ones offer several advantages for the application from air- or space-borne platform. Solar FL, compared with telluric ones, require a simpler atmospheric model to evaluate ground solar irradiance. Besides, the signal measured at the sensor is not affected by re-absorption effects. For each spectral window, oil fluorescence contribution and reflectance were evaluated by comparing the measured total radiance of the oil with the incident sun irradiance spectrum measured in the same conditions. Fluorescence and reflectance spectral shapes were evaluated within each measured spectral window by applying a spectral fitting method (SFM) and polynomial modeling. Solar-induced fluorescence data were then used to evaluate the fluorescence spectrum of the oil. The SIF spectrum of the same oil was also simulated by using emission-excitation fluorescence data and a simulated solar irradiance. The measured and simulated spectra were then compared.
© (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Valentina Raimondi, Lorenzo Palombi, Donatella Guzzi, David Lognoli, Vanni Nardino, Francesco Petroni, and Ivan Pippi "Retrieval of solar-induced fluorescence spectral shape of oil slicks from the infilling of solar Fraunhofer lines", Proc. SPIE 8888, Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, Coastal Waters, and Large Water Regions 2013, 88880D (16 October 2013);
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Laser induced fluorescence



Atmospheric modeling

Visible radiation


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