9 May 2012 Tomographic analysis of medium thickness transparent layers using white light scanning interferometry and XZ fringe image processing
P. C. Montgomery, D. Montaner, F. Salzenstein
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Medium thickness transparent layers are becoming increasingly important in various fields of materials science such as in micro-electronics, nanotechnologies, polymer science, biomaterials and chemistry. Such layers vary from simple, transparent layers to those that are much more complex, containing heterogeneous materials and very rough interfaces and requiring new types of characterization techniques. In this paper we present the application of white light scanning interferometry to the structural tomography of such layers. Due to the complexity of the fringe signals along the optical axis, we have developed 2D signal processing techniques of the XZ images to improve the robustness to noise. Knowing that the measurements are prone to artifacts we have also developed a cautious approach to the extraction of pertinent information. Thus, using a manual point Z-scan investigation in an XY image, initial information of the quality of the fringe signals and the appropriate signal processing necessary can be obtained and provide initial structural information. Then, optimized image processing can be performed on the XZ images to provide tomographic cross sections of the layer. Applications of the technique are given on transparent and insulating layers used in electronics and micro-electronics, layers of hydroxyapatite (a biomaterial) and colloidal layers.
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P. C. Montgomery, D. Montaner, and F. Salzenstein "Tomographic analysis of medium thickness transparent layers using white light scanning interferometry and XZ fringe image processing", Proc. SPIE 8430, Optical Micro- and Nanometrology IV, 843014 (9 May 2012); Logo
Cited by 12 scholarly publications.
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