6 March 2012 Incoherent source angular domain imaging through complex three-dimensional scattering structures
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Scattering of photons in biological imaging is a known factor of degrading image resolution and quality. Angular Domain Imaging (ADI) is a technique which utilizes the angular distribution of photons to filter out multiple-scattering photons and accept only photons with small angular deviation from their original trajectories. The advantage of ADI is that it does not require a high optical quality, coherent, or pulsed source to acquire quality image. Initial experiments with Spatialfrequency Filter (SFF) ADI on simple liquid scattering test phantom showed good results as it can image through media with scattering ratio (SR) of 106:1. Previous work with complex 3D aquatic species eliminated scattering but showed optical interference patterns from the coherent laser sources. With SFF ADI, our target is to image through a complex 3D scattering structure with multilayer of different refractive indices and scattering coefficient from an Intralipid-infused polymer/agar, and a small species called Branchiostoma lanceolatum, a lancelet that is 5-8cm long and ~5mm thick. To remove interference, several narrow wavelength-band LEDs were used as illumination sources with one peaks at 630nm and the other peaks at 415nm. The LEDs are collimated and illuminates the 3D structure/lancelet in a water-filler container while a SFF removes the scattered photons before the imager. This allows us to reduce the optical interference and to study the impact of switching from coherent laser source into an incoherent narrow wavelength-band source. Hence, it allows us to investigate the enhancement of imaging the internal structures using the incoherent narrow wavelength-band source.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rongen L. K. Cheng, Gary Chiang, and Glenn H. Chapman "Incoherent source angular domain imaging through complex three-dimensional scattering structures", Proc. SPIE 8221, Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXIII, 82211J (6 March 2012);
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Light scattering


Laser scattering

Light emitting diodes

3D image processing

Image quality

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