8 September 2011 Defects detection in crystalline silicon solar cells based on electroluminescence imaging
Xiao-yu Jiang, Chao Wang, Xi Wang, Yan-tao Zong, Chuang Pei
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In the use of crystalline silicon solar cells, the micro defects, such as cracks, the grain boundary dislocation, broken metal grid fingers, etc., will seriously affect the efficiency and the life of crystalline silicon solar cells. Therefore, it is necessary to detect the micro defects of Si solar cells rapidly and accurately in the production process. In this paper, firstly, the relationship between the electroluminescence (EL) intensity from Si solar cells under the forward bias and minority carrier diffusion length is simulated based on the calculation under the condition of ideal P-N junction model. There exists one to one quantitative agreement. We find that the relationship referred above is nonlinear. Secondly, the relationship between the defects in Si solar cells and minority carrier diffusion length (EL intensity) is summed up. The defects and minority carrier lifetime are also in accord with this relationship. Based upon these, the micro defects in Si solar cells could be made out in theory. With experiments, the defects in c-Si solar cells and poly-Si solar cells are detected clearly from EI images. Theory analysis and experiments show that the method is reasonable and efficient.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiao-yu Jiang, Chao Wang, Xi Wang, Yan-tao Zong, and Chuang Pei "Defects detection in crystalline silicon solar cells based on electroluminescence imaging", Proc. SPIE 8193, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2011: Advances in Infrared Imaging and Applications, 819315 (8 September 2011); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications and 2 patents.
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Solar cells


Silicon solar cells



Defect detection


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