2 June 2011 Localisation of threat substances in urban society - LOTUS: a viable tool for finding illegal bomb factories in cities
Hans Önnerud, Sara Wallin, Henric Östmark, Dennis Menning, Stefan Ek, Hanna Ellis, Malin Kölhed
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Results of dispersion experiments and dispersion modelling of explosives, drugs, and their precursors will be presented. The dispersion of chemicals evolving during preparation of home made explosives and a drug produced in an improvised manner in an ordinary kitchen has been measured. Experiments with concentration of hydrogen peroxide have been performed during spring and summer of 2009 and 2010 and further experiments with concentration of hydrogen peroxide, synthesis and drying of TATP and Methamphetamine are planned for the spring and summer of 2011. Results from the experiments are compared to dispersion modelling to achieve a better understanding of the dispersion processes and the resulting substances and amounts available for detection outside the kitchen at distances of 10-30 m and longer. Typical concentration levels have been determined as a function of environmental conditions. The experiments and modelling are made as a part of the LOTUS project aimed at detecting and locating the illicit production of explosives and drugs in an urban environment. It can be concluded that the proposed LOTUS system concept, using mobile automatic sensors, data transfer, location via GSM/GPS for on-line detection of illicit production of explosive or precursors to explosives and drugs is a viable approach and is in accordance with historical and today's illicit bomb manufacturing. The overall objective and approach of the LOTUS project will also be presented together with two more projects called PREVAIL and EMPHASIS both aiming at hindering or finding illicit production of home made explosives.
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Hans Önnerud, Sara Wallin, Henric Östmark, Dennis Menning, Stefan Ek, Hanna Ellis, and Malin Kölhed "Localisation of threat substances in urban society - LOTUS: a viable tool for finding illegal bomb factories in cities", Proc. SPIE 8019, Sensors, and Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I) Technologies for Homeland Security and Homeland Defense X, 80190Y (2 June 2011); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Improvised explosive devices

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