21 February 2011 Fundamental performance improvement to dispersive spectrograph based imaging technologies
Jeff T. Meade, Bradford B. Behr, Andrew T. Cenko, Peter Christensen, Arsen R. Hajian, Jan Hendrikse, Frederic D. Sweeney
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Dispersive-based spectrometers may be qualified by their spectral resolving power and their throughput efficiency. A device known as a virtual slit is able to improve the resolving power by factors of several with a minimal loss in throughput, thereby fundamentally improving the quality of the spectrometer. A virtual slit was built and incorporated into a low performing spectrometer (R ~ 300) and was shown to increase the performance without a significant loss in signal. The operation and description of virtual slits is also given. High-performance, lowlight, and high-speed imaging instruments based on a dispersive-type spectrometer see the greatest impact from a virtual slit. The impact of a virtual slit on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) is shown to improve the imaging quality substantially.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jeff T. Meade, Bradford B. Behr, Andrew T. Cenko, Peter Christensen, Arsen R. Hajian, Jan Hendrikse, and Frederic D. Sweeney "Fundamental performance improvement to dispersive spectrograph based imaging technologies", Proc. SPIE 7890, Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems IX, 789013 (21 February 2011); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Spectral resolution

Imaging systems

Optical coherence tomography

Signal to noise ratio

Lens design


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