9 November 2010 Lunar-based solar telescope of multi-wavelength
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Since the absorption of ultraviolet radiation in the atmosphere is strong, it is difficult to image solar UV radiation using ground-based telescopes. While, the moon which has no atmosphere and has stability geological structure and low magnetic field, observing the sun on the moon is more suitable than observing the sun on the earth. This paper describes the design of lunar-based solar telescope which can image the sun in three wavelength: long-wave IR (8-12μm), visible (400-900nm) and UV(100-400nm). The telescope is mainly composed of two parts: reflective telescope and splitting system. This design effectively avoids the material restrictions of IR and UV imaging optical systems. The rationality of the optical system design of the common aperture multi-wavelength telescope was proved by comparing the results with the images get by single wavelength solar telescopes all over the world. Compared the images took under different weather, the importance of the proposition of lunar-based devise is proved. Combined the splitters and the spectral response range of detectors, the UV, visible and IR can be split and imaged by different detectors.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zhige Zhang, Lijun Zhang, Yi Tang, and Gang Huang "Lunar-based solar telescope of multi-wavelength", Proc. SPIE 7849, Optical Design and Testing IV, 78492M (9 November 2010); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Ultraviolet radiation


Infrared imaging

Visible radiation

Solar telescopes



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