4 August 2010 Detection of illegal transfer of videos over the Internet
Lekha Chaisorn, Janya Sainui, Corey Manders
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Proceedings Volume 7744, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2010; 774420 (2010)
Event: Visual Communications and Image Processing 2010, 2010, Huangshan, China
In this paper, a method for detecting infringements or modifications of a video in real-time is proposed. The method first segments a video stream into shots, after which it extracts some reference frames as keyframes. This process is performed employing a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique developed in this work. Next, for each input video (represented by its keyframes), ordinal-based signature and SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) descriptors are generated. The ordinal-based method employs a two-level bitmap indexing scheme to construct the index for each video signature. The first level clusters all input keyframes into k clusters while the second level converts the ordinal-based signatures into bitmap vectors. On the other hand, the SIFT-based method directly uses the descriptors as the index. Given a suspect video (being streamed or transferred on the Internet), we generate the signature (ordinal and SIFT descriptors) then we compute similarity between its signature and those signatures in the database based on ordinal signature and SIFT descriptors separately. For similarity measure, besides the Euclidean distance, Boolean operators are also utilized during the matching process. We have tested our system by performing several experiments on 50 videos (each about 1/2 hour in duration) obtained from the TRECVID 2006 data set. For experiments set up, we refer to the conditions provided by TRECVID 2009 on "Content-based copy detection" task. In addition, we also refer to the requirements issued in the call for proposals by MPEG standard on the similar task. Initial result shows that our framework is effective and robust. As compared to our previous work, on top of the achievement we obtained by reducing the storage space and time taken in the ordinal based method, by introducing the SIFT features, we could achieve an overall accuracy in F1 measure of about 96% (improved about 8%).
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lekha Chaisorn, Janya Sainui, and Corey Manders "Detection of illegal transfer of videos over the Internet", Proc. SPIE 7744, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2010, 774420 (4 August 2010); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Temporal segmentation method for video sequence
Proceedings of SPIE (November 01 1992)
OVID: toward object-based video retrieval
Proceedings of SPIE (December 23 1999)
A novel methodology for querying web images
Proceedings of SPIE (January 17 2005)
Automatic violence detection in digital movies
Proceedings of SPIE (November 01 1996)

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