23 February 2010 4D MR imaging of respiratory organ motion using an intersection profile method
Yoshitada Masuda, Hideaki Haneishi
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We propose an intersection profile method for reconstructing a 4D-MRI of respiratory organ motion from time sequential images of 2D-MRI. In the proposed method, first, time sequential MR images in many coronal planes set to widely cover the lung region are acquired as the data slices. Second, the time sequential MR images in a proper sagittal plane are acquired as the navigator slice. 4D-MRI is reconstructed by extracting and combining a proper respiratory pattern from each data slice which is most similar to an adequately selected respiratory pattern in the navigator slice on the intersection between the navigation slice and each data slice. Successful visualization of the respiratory organ motion is demonstrated and the validation of reconstruction is also presented. Such a 4D-MRI has a great potential for many medical applications. In this paper, we further propose to construct a diaphragmatic function map from a 4D-MRI reconstructed by the intersection profile method to evaluate diaphragmatic motion quantitatively. Experimental results using three healthy volunteers and three patients are shown.
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Yoshitada Masuda and Hideaki Haneishi "4D MR imaging of respiratory organ motion using an intersection profile method", Proc. SPIE 7625, Medical Imaging 2010: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling, 76250Z (23 February 2010); Logo
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Magnetic resonance imaging

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