4 January 2008 An improved system for measuring the SNR of holographic anti-counterfeiting labels
Jin He, Tiegen Liu, Lijun Yang, Zhuo Meng
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This paper presents a new method to measure the characteristic parameter of the laser holographic anti-counterfeiting label, with less dependency on the stability of source light. The He-Ne laser, having 5% relative instability, was used as the light source. Based on the nature that one beam of light can be divided into two beams at a fixed ratio, the source light was divided into the reflex and the transmission at the fixed ratio by a piece of glass. As the label was scanned automatically, the intensities of the reflex and the diffraction were measured online and in real time to get the SNR. The data table for contrast was given, which showed the differences between the real value and the calculated value of the intensity of the transmission as the incident beam. The measurement results of the SNR of 8 different versions of labels were also listed. The experimental data demonstrate that the relative error of the transmission intensity is not more than 0.29%, and that of the SNR is less than 2.0%, which is approximately half the error of the original method.
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Jin He, Tiegen Liu, Lijun Yang, and Zhuo Meng "An improved system for measuring the SNR of holographic anti-counterfeiting labels", Proc. SPIE 6832, Holography and Diffractive Optics III, 68321B (4 January 2008);
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Signal to noise ratio




Laser applications


Interference (communication)


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