28 January 2008 Side information generation for distributed video coding based on optimal filtering
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Proceedings Volume 6822, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2008; 68222D (2008)
Event: Electronic Imaging, 2008, San Jose, California, United States
In the past few years, practical distributed video coding systems have been proposed based on Slepian-Wolf and Wyner-Ziv theorems. The quality of side information plays a critical role in the overall performance for such a system. In this paper, we present a novel approach to generating the side information using optimal filtering techniques. The motion vectors (MVs) that define the motion activity between the main information and the side information are first predicted by an optimal filter, then the MVs obtained from a decoded WZ frame by a conventional motion search method corrects the prediction results. The side information is generated from the updated MVs via a motion compensated interpolation (MCI) process and can be subsequently fed into the decoding process to further improve the quality of a decoded WZ frame. We studied several variations of optimal filters and compared them with other DVC systems in terms of rate-distortion performance.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiao Zhang and Jun Zhang "Side information generation for distributed video coding based on optimal filtering", Proc. SPIE 6822, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2008, 68222D (28 January 2008); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Filtering (signal processing)

Autoregressive models

Motion models

Optimal filtering

Motion estimation

Video coding

Distributed computing

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