28 January 2008 DAF: differential ACE filtering image quality assessment by automatic color equalization
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Proceedings Volume 6808, Image Quality and System Performance V; 68080W (2008)
Event: Electronic Imaging, 2008, San Jose, California, United States
Ideally, a quality assessment system would perceive and measure image or video impairments just like a human being. But in reality, objective quality metrics do not necessarily correlate well with perceived quality [1]. Plus, some measures assume that there exists a reference in the form of an "original" to compare to, which prevents their usage in digital restoration field, where often there is no reference to compare to. That is why subjective evaluation is the most used and most efficient approach up to now. But subjective assessment is expensive, time consuming and does not respond, hence, to the economic requirements [2,3]. Thus, reliable automatic methods for visual quality assessment are needed in the field of digital film restoration. The ACE method, for Automatic Color Equalization [4,6], is an algorithm for digital images unsupervised enhancement. It is based on a new computational approach that tries to model the perceptual response of our vision system merging the Gray World and White Patch equalization mechanisms in a global and local way. Like our vision system ACE is able to adapt to widely varying lighting conditions, and to extract visual information from the environment efficaciously. Moreover ACE can be run in an unsupervised manner. Hence it is very useful as a digital film restoration tool since no a priori information is available. In this paper we deepen the investigation of using the ACE algorithm as a basis for a reference free image quality evaluation. This new metric called DAF for Differential ACE Filtering [7] is an objective quality measure that can be used in several image restoration and image quality assessment systems. In this paper, we compare on different image databases, the results obtained with DAF and with some subjective image quality assessments (Mean Opinion Score MOS as measure of perceived image quality). We study also the correlation between objective measure and MOS. In our experiments, we have used for the first image test set "Single Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale" (SSCQS) method and in the second "Double Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale" (DSCQS) method. The users, which are non-experts, were asked to identify their preferred image (between original and ACE filtered images) according to contrast, naturalness, colorfulness, quality, chromatic diversity and overall subjective preference. Test and results are presented.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
S. Ouni, M. Chambah, C. Saint-Jean, and A. Rizzi "DAF: differential ACE filtering image quality assessment by automatic color equalization", Proc. SPIE 6808, Image Quality and System Performance V, 68080W (28 January 2008); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Image quality

Image filtering



Optical filters

Quality measurement



Nonparametric technique of noise reduction in color images
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Image quality and automatic color equalization
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