12 May 2007 Novel method for quality assurance of two-dimensional pattern fidelity and its validation
Shimon Maeda, Ryuji Ogawa, Seiji Shibazaki, Tadashi Nakajima
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This paper proposes an evaluation pattern generating method that realizes stable printing for any two-dimensional feature. Below 65nm design node, even in the case of using the most advanced optical techniques, the resolution limit is approached. As a result, patterning fidelity to the target worsens in low k1 lithography conditions. Complex layout patterns, especially two-dimensional features, become increasingly sensitive to photo-resist bridging and necking. This means that the need for rich two-dimensional patterns is increasing in order to cope with lithographic patterning fidelity issues, such as quality assurance of OPC script and establishment of the design rule. A new pattern generating method reported in this paper can provide plenty of two-dimensional patterns by employing the Monte Carlo method. It can also take the design rule checker into account to present patterns without any design rule violation. In addition, to narrow significant generated patterns down to the real efficient patterns, some devices are employed. More than 2000 feature variations of feature can be generated in less than half day by this new method. To determine the efficacy of two-dimensional patterns generated by this method, some examples are provided. We have validated the efficiency of extracted patterns by employing some devices, and get quality assurance of our OPC script with the generated pattern features. It is shown that the proposed method is significantly efficient for detecting hotspots that are unfaithful to the target with low k1 factor.
© (2007) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shimon Maeda, Ryuji Ogawa, Seiji Shibazaki, and Tadashi Nakajima "Novel method for quality assurance of two-dimensional pattern fidelity and its validation", Proc. SPIE 6607, Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology XIV, 66070M (12 May 2007); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication and 1 patent.
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Optical proximity correction


Optical lithography

Computer aided design

Monte Carlo methods

Optical resolution

Target detection

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