27 June 2006 An astronomical data mining application framework for virtual observatory
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A new application framework for virtual observatory (VO) is designed for discovering unknown knowledge from thousands of astronomical catalogs which have already released and are accessible through VO services. The framework consist of two new technologies to seamlessly associate data queried from SkyNode supported databases with data mining (DM) algorithms, which either come from third-party software or are developed directly above the framework. The first one is a high level programming language, called Job Description Language (JDL), for describing jobs for data accessing and numerical computation based on web services. The second technology is a computation component standard with both local and web service invocation interface, which is named as CompuCell. It is a universal solution for integrating arbitrary third-party DM software into the framework so as to invoke them directly in JDL program. We implement a prototype with a JDL supported portal and achieve clustering algorithm in CompuCell components. We combine a series of data mining procedures with a data access procedure by programming in JDL on the portal. A scientific research, which recognizes OB associations from 2MASS catalog, is treated as a demonstration for the prototype. It confirms the feasibility of the application framework.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Chao Liu, Dan Wang, Bo Liu, Dan Gao, Chenzhou Cui, and Yongheng Zhao "An astronomical data mining application framework for virtual observatory", Proc. SPIE 6274, Advanced Software and Control for Astronomy, 627415 (27 June 2006);
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Data mining


Web services

Algorithm development


Computer programming

Medium wave


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